Just thought I would post up the VCDS mods that I know work on the Facelift Leon with Virtual Cockpit.
For reference - These were all proven on a Leon Cupra 300 sc - MY18 - Virtual Cockpit
For reference - I use a genuine Rosstech Hex-CAN cable with the latest VCDS software.
Display Drive Profile in VC
Module 19
Long Coding
Byte 08
Bit 4 - make active
Disable Start / Stop
Module 19
Find: Start Stop Voltage Limit
Change to 12.0 ( Default value 7.6 )
Fan Speed showing in Auto mode
Module 08
Long Coding
Byte 11
Bit 6 - make active
Change Throttle Response at Pedal
Module 44
Security code 19249
Find: Switch Driving Profile
Gradual, Controlled by time ( default setting )
Directly, Controlled by threshold value
Drive Profile Button always RED ( Even in Cupra mode )
Module 09
Security Code 31347
Find: Zusatzcodierung Fahrprofiltaster ( Button in Centre Console )
Default: LED Installed
Change to: LED not Installed
XDS Strength Adjustment
Module 03
Security code 20103
Find: Expanded Electronic Differential Lock
Default: Normal
Options: Weak, Normal, Medium, Strong
VAQ Diff Adjustment
Module 32 ( Differential Locks )
Security code 20103
Find: Acoustic Measure Wiring Logic
Default: STD
Options: STD, Increased Traction, Reduced Noise.
Cornering Fog Light Activation / De-Activation
Module 09
Security code 31347
Find: Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion B12 auswählen
To activate Select: Abbiegelicht links
To deactivate Select: Not Active
Find: Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion B13 auswählen
To activate Select: Abbiegelicht rechts
To deactivate Select: Not Active
Dissable/Enable Fog Light Activation when reverse selected
Module 09
Security code 31347
Find: static AFS light-bei Rueckwaertsfahrt
To activate Select: DOUBLE SIDED
To deactivate Select: OFF
Change Soundaktor Volume
Module A9
Find: Channel of structure borne sound actuator
Default Value: 100%
Can be set between 0% and 100%
For reference - These were all proven on a Leon Cupra 300 sc - MY18 - Virtual Cockpit
For reference - I use a genuine Rosstech Hex-CAN cable with the latest VCDS software.
Display Drive Profile in VC
Module 19
Long Coding
Byte 08
Bit 4 - make active
Disable Start / Stop
Module 19
Find: Start Stop Voltage Limit
Change to 12.0 ( Default value 7.6 )
Fan Speed showing in Auto mode
Module 08
Long Coding
Byte 11
Bit 6 - make active
Change Throttle Response at Pedal
Module 44
Security code 19249
Find: Switch Driving Profile
Gradual, Controlled by time ( default setting )
Directly, Controlled by threshold value
Drive Profile Button always RED ( Even in Cupra mode )
Module 09
Security Code 31347
Find: Zusatzcodierung Fahrprofiltaster ( Button in Centre Console )
Default: LED Installed
Change to: LED not Installed
XDS Strength Adjustment
Module 03
Security code 20103
Find: Expanded Electronic Differential Lock
Default: Normal
Options: Weak, Normal, Medium, Strong
VAQ Diff Adjustment
Module 32 ( Differential Locks )
Security code 20103
Find: Acoustic Measure Wiring Logic
Default: STD
Options: STD, Increased Traction, Reduced Noise.
Cornering Fog Light Activation / De-Activation
Module 09
Security code 31347
Find: Leuchte12NL LB45-Lichtfunktion B12 auswählen
To activate Select: Abbiegelicht links
To deactivate Select: Not Active
Find: Leuchte13NL RB5-Lichtfunktion B13 auswählen
To activate Select: Abbiegelicht rechts
To deactivate Select: Not Active
Dissable/Enable Fog Light Activation when reverse selected
Module 09
Security code 31347
Find: static AFS light-bei Rueckwaertsfahrt
To activate Select: DOUBLE SIDED
To deactivate Select: OFF
Change Soundaktor Volume
Module A9
Find: Channel of structure borne sound actuator
Default Value: 100%
Can be set between 0% and 100%