Cycling? Anyone else?

Jun 21, 2021
I love bike cycling and it's my fav sport too. I love it because the major I got from it is I lose weight because I was too bulky when I was in school. I often go long races on rough terrain and it was really fun.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2020
Astonishing kit there,
Me? Some classic bikes with an early 1980's Saba track frame with Columbus SLX butted tubing.
1962 fully Chromed Ideor Asso, , Holdsworth Professional, Various wraiths & strays from the dump,
Usually off up Dartmoor, several beastly 20% 1500 foot climbs here, but age is catching up.


Active Member
Oct 28, 2023
Another cyclist here who spends ‘used car level money’ on pushbikes! Currently riding a Madone in summer (including the odd club10 on it now there’s a road bike cat) and mostly an eMTB and Zwift in winter with a bit of local level CX racing. I’m down on distance this year due to injury in June, but normally hit about 10k km including some summer commuting (have an old gravel bike for the commute, 8 miles each way or approx half an hour)
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Mr Pig

Active Member
Jun 17, 2015
Old thread!

I've hardly been on a bike for years now. Covid did the most damage. I could have been out on my own during covid, there was nothing to stop me, but I really lost heart. Going out myself was something I did to keep fit for other rides but when you couldn't drive to trails or go out on group rides it was depressing. Guy I used to cycle with the most still talks about going out but never does it and I think I've been on a bike maybe five times this year. Yes, I'm now the fattest I've ever been! :0( When I did go out I've lost so much fitness it's like being back twenty years. I doubt I'll ever regain it.


Cupra Leon VZ2 300/CBF1000
Apr 25, 2014
Edinburgh (Scotland)
My pushbikes lie in the back of my lock up, unused for years as even now I'm retired I just don't have the time what with a motorbike, car, bowls & drinking,fishing etc. Hardly have time to keep the grass/hedges cut but still keep fit by walking as much as I can between house and bowling club.
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