Important: New members please read

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Site Owner
Staff member
Feb 28, 2002
South West
Welcome to the forums. If you haven't already, please read the rules you have signed up to by registering on the forum. CLICK FOR THE RULES

We have put together a simple guide below to ensure everyone gets value and enjoys their time in the forums.

• Please avoid abbreviations and "text speak". It will make your posts easier to understand. We have international users as well so keeping language clear and simple will help everyone.

• We have ZERO tolerance for abuse by users. If you swear or bully another user, we will remove your account from the forum.

• Think about what your writing before you post, consider whether you are likely to offend anyone and if your post will add value to the community and other members. Always take some time to review what you have written.

• Use the search facility before you post any new topic. There is a good chance your question may have been answered already.

• Post in the right forum. Don't go posting a technical engine query in General. We have dedicated forums for specific topics. This is to ensure people find the right content in the right places and will also give you the best chance of getting visibility from people that can help you or are interested in what you are posting.

• If you feel someone else is not adhering to the rules or these guidelines please use the forum's reporting tools.

• If you have any questions please raise them with one of the Admins or Moderators in a private conversation.
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