Mib2 Map Updates 2019-2020 (June 2019 release)


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The Seat Plus Mib2 High release which is good for Skoda Columbus and Discover Pro are now available on the Skoda and VW servers (177, previous 175). It is of no use to people with the Seat standard unit. You do need Mapcare or a "retrofit" unit to use the files with a Seat Mib2 High .

Skoda Direct link:


Thanks go to the German Skoda board thread:


Then we have the Skoda direct link with the download manager which is more stable on unstable networks. You can unpack direct to card or abort and use 7Zip to keep a copy of the file locally.

Direct link:


Thanks to the Russian link:


The download is also available via the VW site, pick Discovery Pro model say for an Allspace.


or on the VW direct link


Yet to appear on Seat servers. It will all be the same file !. Skoda and VW the servers still showing the old November 1115 standard release although Skoda now has the equivalent all of Europe VW release. One can expect Seat will release the same at some stage.

Anyhow no problems on the high unit:


We are still waiting for the standard unit update for June 2019.

See main discussion thread here:


Also as a place marker for MAC users the recommended VAG software to clear the rubbish from a MAC unzip of the download map file is the free utility CleanMyDrive 2 whilst for a PC 7zip. From the October 2019 VAG pdf notes:


If the map update is performed using the Apple® OS X operating system you may find that
Discover Media does not recognise the map material or displays it incorrectly. This is due to
a lack of compatibility between the “7 zip” program and the OS-X operating system. In
addition, the OS-X operating system has a tendency to create hidden additional files on
external data media. We therefore recommend that OS X users use the “Keka” unzipping
program. We also recommend using the “CleanMyDrive” program to remove any hidden files.
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May 28, 2019
Hi sorry to hijack your post , i tried to search and can’t find how to load maps on a Retrofitted hacked MIB2, i want to update the maps to 2019 , can anyone share how to do it?



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Hi sorry to hijack your post , i tried to search and can’t find how to load maps on a Retrofitted hacked MIB2, i want to update the maps to 2019 , can anyone share how to do it?


If it's a mib2 high or mib1 high then I loosely covered it in post 1697 here


You follow the VW main guidance onto getting the maps onto your SD card, directory level etc. That card must be a blank 32 gb sd card (speed 10, Fat32, SDHC) before copying on the maps and dont try to edit the download file else the validation will fail in the unit. All tide down with sla1 signatures. That's why the 7zip and Mac instructions are important. It's very fussy.

VW pdf guidance is on this link. That's for release 175, but same as 177. Too find the PDF hit the Tiguan Allspace, Discover Pro, go to the bottom and open the pdf using this link:


Then put the created SD into the unit, putting the unit into the developers menu, this is done via a long press on the Menu button, keep holding till you see the SWDL menu option (it opens one menu, longer hold it opens a larger second menu with SWDL on it) hit SWDL, then just start the import by pressing update / start (the manual download options seems to be disabled on retrofits). It takes about 40 minutes follow the link above on powering it up for that duration (either engine running, or open and close the door every 15 minutes !). At the end of the process you will see it will say maps ok (as a recall Y in its place marker), eggnog ok etc stuff like that. Leave the developers menu by pressing top right option on the screen, unit will reboot. It will also do a reboot in the middle of the process. If it starts but doesn't finish, your existing maps are deleted and you start the back end process again. That's only going to happen if you loose power to the unit for the update duration. Non retrofits with Mapcare, the normal update method handles power off and recommences, retrofits via the developers menu must have continues power during the process.

In my many experiments before I got retrofit software installed I showed the backend screens in this 2017 post, post 699. The SWDL command is in the picture, then you hit the Start and at the end of the process you get Y or OKs on the NavDB to SpeacthResVDE lines and all is good :). Thats how the retrofit works.


All retrofits work like this to my knowledge, the mib2 high.

(Nb. You can only do this map update via SWDL without Mapcare via this process with retrofit firmware, if you enable the developers menu via VCDS, don't have a retrofit or mapcare and do a map update beyond the one the unit came with it will lock you out of navigation in about 30 seconds, you then need to restore the map release that the unit came with, or before.... mention that for people that might try it out !. You can however update all other aspects of the navigation but not the maps themselves... That's the part update menu which seems to be disabled in retrofits, you just do start if it's a retrofit or has Mapcare updating via the backend menu and all aspects are updated.)
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Mib2 Standard Release June 2019 (Seat Standard Mib2, Skoda Amundsen MIB2, VW Discover Media Mib2) - Release 1310

It's just broken cover via the German Skoda board picking it up via the VW website as expected, credit nixneues for finding it.

The zoned release.

It can be be picked up via the VW board


Go in on a Golf model from 2017, Discover Media those files labelled "Updated: : 6/17/19" (or after if more). The ones before this date are the old maps of the November 2018 released or the all Europe one put together from the November 2018.

1310 Release as 17th June 2019 three zones plus all of Europe with direct links to the files

Bundle 1

Andorra, Belgium, Gibraltar, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom

Direct link:



Bundle 2

Albania*, Bosnia and Herzegovina*, Bulgaria*, Belarus*, Cyprus*, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, Greece, Kazakhstan*, Kosovo*, Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Macedonia*, Moldova*, Montenegro*, Norway, Romania*, Russia*, Sweden, Serbia*, Ukraine*

* in parts

Direct link:



Bundle 3

Austria, Croatia*, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Malta*, Poland*, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Vatican City

* in parts



All European Bundle

Albania*, Andorra, Austria, Belarus*, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina*, Bulgaria*, Croatia, Cyprus*, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Island, Italy, Kosovo*, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Macedonia (Former Republic of Yugoslavia)*, Moldova*, Monaco, Montenegro*, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania*, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia*, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine*, United Kingdom, Vatican City

* in parts



This leaves us to think whether they sorted out the bugs in the previous release:

  • dual trailer / non trailer speed overlap with the next turn screen
  • lack of motorway speed
  • direction arrows on the round about when going past the first exit.

Will look at those errors in this release. Report any issues identified so we can learn. These are indeed TomTom sourced maps that the VAG group use for the standard release.

All Mapcare and non Mapcare considerations apply. The two other issues remain.


After testing they have sorted out the trailer speed issue. Posted the results on the main thread.


As before see the main discussion thread on this for problem solving:

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Just use the original one that was on the card, it's paired to the card and unit. The card is paired to the unit via the CID and that file is also paired as well. It's just that it works with other map releases put on the card as long as you stick to the original file in question.

You should have a back up to save hassle if something goes wrong.


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The same as the High ones. Dated 6th November 2018 ?. QA and all that takes a while from freezing them to getting them out.

On the other side people say how wonderful Google Maps are but if they are using very old sat images which they are in some instances they don't have a validation tool so reject or hold suggestions and I'd be very concerned of laying tracks if you can't see the image under-neither. Google Maps are pretty terrible in some parts. They use to crib the public domain local OS map data, that's no longer free so can't be cribbed. Openstreet used that. The digital map providers analyse each others maps but if you get Google and Openstreet are poor, they both feed off each other. They do buy high resolution sat images for their own local use but crowd sourcing takes a hit if people can't see the new roads and features. Then they have their cars that they send round but all of this takes a lag. So between Google, Openstreet, Here and TomTom they have different means of sourcing the data. Google yes you can put pubs, eateries etc on it fast if you have the evidence, roads can take longer. Ditto TomTom so it seems - we don't know what image they use. You wave at a map location in those reports which is why you seem to get pen strokes for roads put on by staff. Here Maps, Google and Openstreet you digitise them on. Google gives you real-time traffic reports but useless if you are out of a 4G area and haven't downloaded the maps. Then it doesn't give you the next turn pane etc etc etc
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The latest Mib2 standard one is 1310 which is June 2019, good till November 2019 when the next release comes out, see post 1693 (what I said above)


Take the all Europe bundle. You need the workaround... see post 1809 and 1810 where I clarified the 1809 post. Basically Exciter method but people try to format the card incorrectly, mess stuff up etc. So the detail not to mess stuff up is in there. Vag guidance + the workaround.


Take the opportunity to say that Seat have now released a Plus Mib2 High update, but not the current one, the quarter before. I had noticed funny release numbers on some Seat screenshots for the high unit. They are not taking the main Vag six monthly releases but lagging three months back + 3 months to release after the latest in June. But hey ho. Use the Vag / Skoda ones which are more current. Seat always lags. For the high you need Mapcare or a retrofit.
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Sep 3, 2011
Quick one,
I got a VW sd card for my nav when I collected the car, ( Friendly sales guy :) )
It has maps 1310 on it.
Am I good to November?


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Yes if it works. That's the latest. Next release is November.

They now zone those cards so if there are countries you need then you can use a different release. It's more for driving across Europe. I think the zoning of the release was more about the online downloads in the car than anything else that VW and Skoda support. All of Europe currently fits onto the cards being used.
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