2019 Ibiza SE Technology - steering wheel slightly pointing left

Oct 30, 2022
Hi, I’m new here! I recently picked up a second hand 2019 Ibiza SE Technology (~3 weeks ago) and I absolutely love it - major upgrade from what I had previously.

I noticed in the last week or so that the steering wheel has been pointing ever so slightly left when I’m driving and when I straighten it up the car turns a bit to the right. I got an alignment check at Kwik-Fit and they charged me £55 for an alignment but not sure if they have even done anything because it feels the same…

Has anyone else had this problem before? I don’t know whether to go back to the dealer and ask them to take a look or if it’s an easy fix a mechanic can sort out. When I am driving straight with the steering wheel slightly left it does go straight i.e doesn’t feel to be pulling.
I asked my Dad to try it out and he doesn’t notice it at all, but I know that I am because I’m the one driving it constantly lol!
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