New toledo suspension


Hi everyone,

New to this forum!

I have just got a 56 plate tdi sport, really nice car, but the suspension is as hard as nails? makes speed humps and bad roads really unpleasant...any other people feel the same way? Any suggestions?



Active Member
I've got the Altea 1.9 TDI reference sport. I'm not sure if the suspension is as firm as 2.0 TDI sport Alteas/Toledos, but it's definately firmer than the standard or stylance Toledo.

At first I thought it was too hard and that I'd made a big mistake but now I think it's great. I love the grippy sides on the driver's seat. and I think it's the best car I've ever had for speed bumps. It's just best not to slow down too much for them, no need to crawl for the bump and accelerate away, just keep to a speed that's sensible for passing a school, or what ever reason they put the bump in for.

Luckily my usual roads aren't to bad for pot-holes etc. and I think it's fine on speed bumps. I basically got used to mine.


Full Member
Jul 26, 2005
Hemel Hempstead, UK
Hi everyone,

New to this forum!

I have just got a 56 plate tdi sport, really nice car, but the suspension is as hard as nails? makes speed humps and bad roads really unpleasant...any other people feel the same way? Any suggestions?


I would agree - I have a 2.0TDi Sport and the suspension is firm and does crash over speed humps, of which there are far too many in North/West London!!
I have heard that fitting lowered (by around 35mm) springs actually improves the situation??



I have a 55 plate tdi sport, and I would agree that the ride is firm but I like it, my pregnant wife is unimpressed. The tyre noise is a nuisance though, I have 225 45 R17 Bridgestones and they are loud!


Interesting comment about tyre noise. My tdi sport has just had its'rear Potenzas replaced after only 22k. The insides of the tyres had worn dramatically for about half an inch on each tyre, the noise , especially at 30 mph had become increasingly loud. I had to replace the tyres although the tyre fitters commented that the rear tyres should have been good for 10k more at least if worn evenly.Now in dispute with the dealership and arranging for independant report on wheel alignment/camber. Suggest check inside tread on your back tyres!
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