Seat Connect sucks...

Dec 6, 2021
I just finished the 1 year free subscription of SEAT CONNECT services.

Apple Music never worked, keeped showing a message saying "We're sorry but the service is not available".

So i decided to buy a 5GB data package 2 days before the service expired.

Surprise, Apple Music worked!

In the next day, the SEAT CONNECT expired and guess what... Apple Music stopped working. My 3 months data package didn't worked 2 full days!!!

Complained about it on my SEAT dealer and they just shoved off any responsabilities...

Now I'm requested to pay 139€ to purchase 1 full year of SEAT CONNECT.

Well... I think that the brand is misleading customers and denying any responsanbilities.

I'm utterly disappointed...


Active Member
May 26, 2020
Sound like someone needs to explain how to get the Apple Music to work.

If it wasn’t working why did you wait a full year to complain? They can’t do anything about it or explain to you how to use it after it stopped working. I’m not sure what your expectations were of telling them after the FREE 12 months was finsihed?
You had 365 days of it not working as you say it never worked so why buy 5GB days before you knew it would run out and you had no intention of paying to renew it?
Your complaint makes no sense that why they didn’t help you as you had the expectations that if you moaned and said your not happy they would give you another 12 months for FREE for something you claim never worked. Your no worse off then when you had the FREE service.

By the sounds of what your saying is it wasn’t working as you didn’t have a data package and that’s why it wasn’t working for 12 months so it’s user error and not the dealers fault you don’t have no data.
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