Did a silly thing on way home.


Aug 21, 2007
Apparently it judges your fuel milage by the last 5 mins of your driving. I get around 15miles when it says '0' out of mine - by I dont do it too often! lol ;)


Cupra now gone :(
Oct 1, 2005
mine said 15 miles this morning as i passed the first petrol station.. decided to chance it.. 2 minutes later its showing 0

After a while it just seems to go up and down for a bit and was then reading 10 miles when i got to work lol..

Filled it up at lunchtime though ;)


faster on 2-wheels
Apr 7, 2006
Done over 40 after the '0' indication and regularly go beyond it. I reckon there is a fair bit of capacity spare. Did over 55 on my old Toledo V5 when I was late for a plane. It was either fill up and miss the plane or push it on and hope to make it (which I did but I was sweating all the way - not a comfortable journey at a consumption rate of 26 mpg).

I know its generally not advised to run the tank low due to pulling the crap out of the bottom of the tank but I'm fairly selective with diesel purchases and opt for Shell which ought to be fairly free of contaminants.


Active Member
Jun 6, 2007
I have never quite fully understood this thing about picking up crap from your tank if you run it too low?

Presumably the crap sinks to the bottom of the tank? Where is the fuel pipe that comes out of the tank? Does it float on the top so that it always takes the top layer of fuel first?

Or is it at the bottom of the tank taking the bottom fuel first?


Active Member
Nov 2, 2006
The capital of Yorkshire
Done over 40 after the '0' indication and regularly go beyond it. I reckon there is a fair bit of capacity spare. Did over 55 on my old Toledo V5 when I was late for a plane. It was either fill up and miss the plane or push it on and hope to make it (which I did but I was sweating all the way - not a comfortable journey at a consumption rate of 26 mpg).

I know its generally not advised to run the tank low due to pulling the crap out of the bottom of the tank but I'm fairly selective with diesel purchases and opt for Shell which ought to be fairly free of contaminants.

and another


and a :santa: for good measure


Full Member
May 26, 2005
West Sussex
Ohhh.... Pushing it! :-o

First time I saw '0' too I cacked it - It was still another 7 miles to the petrol station. :p

Not really in a diesel, remember economy is much higher. I just switched the air con and stereo off and pumped along at 60mph on a flat level section of A road. Done it several times before.

I think the gauge is pretty in accurate at reading miles to go, after I filled up it said I had over 800miles in the tank :blink: (Actual was more like 575!)


Full Member
Staff member
Think I got a bit further than 30 miles on zero when coming back from Italy. Didn't find any stations open, hit the motorway and the mountains and prayed. Found a filling station up the road but a close call. That's what comes of being tight and not wanting to fill up in Italy rather than Austria where the diesel is cheaper.
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