Silly Question - Help please


Inked Up Nation
Oct 12, 2008
Outside Belfast
Ok, so i was going to remove the internal "plastics" around the handles for respray.
Mine are all scratched and the black is coming through underneath.

Anyway- I got the top bit off no worrys but its the bottom second bit I am having trouble with, with regards to the switches ( windows, door locks ).

My question is do these just pop off from underneath so you can remove the plastic or do you need to take off the whole door card ?

I should really know this as I had to replace a wingmirror before Xmas.

I will try find a pic if anyone doesnt undestand what i mean

Thanks !!


Low and Slow..
Jul 22, 2008
the switches just pop out the handles, get a flat bladed screwdriver and pop it up the side of the switch and the handle (from underneath) and push the switch down with your thumb and they'll just pop out, when you put them back in, remember to push really hard and they'll clcik back into place, Shimples :)
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