
  1. Feel

    Big backfire then 16712 - Knock Sensor signal too high

    Yesterday, on the way out of work, car still cold, accelerating from 30 to 40 (so not hard, but using some boost) I had what I assume was a huge misfire followed by a huge backfire. It was a sudden total loss of power (didn't feel like one cylinder, felt like all of them) that lasted less...
  2. Implausible Signal ABS Hydraulic Pump (V64)

    hi yesterday ı got abs and asr lıght on my dash ı checked my car vıa vagcom and the fault code ıs thıs ... VAG-COM Version: Release 311.2-N Control Module Part Number: 1C0 907 379 D Component and/or Version: ASR FRONT MK60 0103 Software Coding: 0021505...
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