Leaking door seals - was it a recall/warranty fix?


Active Member
May 29, 2008
Accepting that the leaking door seals issue is an already much-discussed 'old chestnut', however, was this problem ever a recall/warranty issue?

In other words, is SEAT UK obliged to bear the costs (ie parts & labour) to remedy what is clearly a design-fault if my car is showing signs that the seals have not been upgraded? :think:

(After a very heavy downpour, my passenger-side-rear carpet becomes slightly damp.)


Active Member
Sep 20, 2009
I called two dealers on Monday about this problem and neither seemed to know about a recall.. I'm simply disappointed they weren't willing to look into it considering the car is only 4 years old.. My drivers' side rear footwell is currently waterlogged and I am having difficulty tracking the exact point of the leak - the inner part of the door appears to drain OK.. let me know if you track down yours!



California Bound
They know about it but they ignore it. I tried to get mine done under warranty and they refused but they did tell me that they could charge me to fix it and i'd need all of the seals, they can't have known I was an SCN member and knew my stuff :). So off I went home with a trusty tube of silicone sealant and did it inside of 20mins.


Skoda Techie
Mar 22, 2003
Not a recall as not a safety issue.

Various bulletins on it with warranty repair procedures back in the day, its a design flaw as such but the same effects the MK4 Golf, Fabias etc that all use this system of mounting the regulator etc.


I thought manufacturers only did large scale recalls when it was a safety issue. And while the leaking doors might be a royal pain in the rear end, damaging carpets and causing dampness, it doesn't make the car any less safe to drive. In fact, an extra cushion of water might well help in side impacts :)

It's all about the cost to the company against any potential law suits that could go against them. And while death by steering wheels falling off or something might be a massively expensive lawsuit waiting to happen, soggy shoes are not going to scare them too much!


Misted up windows happen whether there's a leak or not. In fact, my 323 suffered from it all winter - probably because of the frameless doors. But you can wipe condensation off :)

Not noticed it in Nat so far, so I'm quite relieved. I know it's not a hard fix but it's a pain.
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