Looking after paint work on new car


Mark Graham
Jun 9, 2007
Banbridge, Northern Ireland
:help: So for the first time in my life I have a brand new car, this gives me an opportunity to try to maintain the paintwork rather than sort out someone else’s mess like you get with a second hand car.

I stupidly (perhaps) let the dealer talk me into getting guardx, so I don’t really know how good or bad it will be.

For washing I use the following products
Meguiars Gold Class Shampoo
I use the 2 bucket method and a wash mitt to present swirls.

Drying – something I’ve never done – I’ve always just let the car dry naturally, but this does leave a load of watermarks so this is something I am thinking of doing. Any recommendations?

I have AutoGlym SRP which would normally be the next step, but as the car already has guardx I was thinking of just going straight to the wax stage using Meguiars #16 Paste Wax.:think:

For the wheels I’m using Meguiars Hot Rims All Wheel Cleaner and then I’m going to add some Poorboys Wheel Sealent

So basically what I’m asking is, am I going about this all wrong, I need some advice on the drying aspect, but for everything else am I along the right lines for protecting my paintwork, or should I forget about the guardx and just pretend it’s not there and give it a going over with the SRP?

One other thing is I’m doing this by hand, am I wasting my time? Would I need to invest in a machine polisher to make what I’m doing worthwhile?
Sorry for all the questions, but I’d just like some pointers and basically are there any steps in missing out on?

Thanks, Mark


Full Member
Sep 11, 2005
Dreghorn, Scotland
:help: So for the first time in my life I have a brand new car, this gives me an opportunity to try to maintain the paintwork rather than sort out someone else’s mess like you get with a second hand car.

I stupidly (perhaps) let the dealer talk me into getting guardx, so I don’t really know how good or bad it will be.

For washing I use the following products
Meguiars Gold Class Shampoo
I use the 2 bucket method and a wash mitt to present swirls.

Drying – something I’ve never done – I’ve always just let the car dry naturally, but this does leave a load of watermarks so this is something I am thinking of doing. Any recommendations?
Get a couple of microfibre drying towels. I use Autorbite 'super fluffy' ones but tbh they're all much of a muchness

I have AutoGlym SRP which would normally be the next step, but as the car already has guardx I was thinking of just going straight to the wax stage using Meguiars #16 Paste Wax.:think:
I'd still use the SRP before waxing. Be sure to work in in properly

For the wheels I’m using Meguiars Hot Rims All Wheel Cleaner and then I’m going to add some Poorboys Wheel Sealent
Unless you already have it, don;t bother with the wheel sealant. Use your #16 wax here too. Works perfectly. And on a weekly wash, just shampoo the wheels. Wheel cleaner will strip the wax off.

So basically what I’m asking is, am I going about this all wrong, I need some advice on the drying aspect, but for everything else am I along the right lines for protecting my paintwork, or should I forget about the guardx and just pretend it’s not there and give it a going over with the SRP?

Forget about the Guardx

One other thing is I’m doing this by hand, am I wasting my time? Would I need to invest in a machine polisher to make what I’m doing worthwhile?
Sorry for all the questions, but I’d just like some pointers and basically are there any steps in missing out on?
You shouldn;t really need a machine polisher as your car 'should' be swirl free. Any light swirls it does have should be taken out or filled with SRP so I wouldn;t rush into investing in a machine polisher just yet.

Thanks, Mark


Edit: Just a thought. Do Guardx provide a guarantee? If they do, then you probably shouldn;t remove it (using SRP will remove it). But TBH the guarantees are usually poor and the Megs #16 you'll be protecting the car with is better than the original protection anyway
Last edited:
Sep 3, 2009
Walsall, West Mids
For drying the car... once you have rinsed the car take the attachment off the end of the hose so the water just flows gently over the panels... you'll be surprised how much of the water sheets / runs off naturally.

You'll still need decent drying towel(s) (i use DoDo Juice SN towels) but there will be much less standing water or beading water on the car following the open hose rinse.

Other than grit guards in the buckets, i cant add anything to the above :thumbup:


Mark Graham
Jun 9, 2007
Banbridge, Northern Ireland
Thanks for the good advice! I think there is a guarentee with the Guardx - something like 8 years, so I don't know what the story is, how they can guarentee that it will work for 8 years is beyond me!

I might leave it on for the time being, with the #16 wax on top and see what happens.

Thanks for the tip with the wheel sealant - haven't bought it yet :) so I'll just stick with the #16 wax

And thanks for the tip regarding the water!

Can't wait to get stuck into it later in the week :)

Thanks again guys!
Sep 3, 2009
Walsall, West Mids
You'll probably find that they give you all of the GuardX products that are left over from them applying it to the car. The guarantee will then be based on you keeping the products on the car topped up or maintained.

As you said, Megs 16 over the finish the dealers produce will do the job fine for the time being. Once you notice the protection wearing off (lack of sheeting and beading of water when the car is clean) you can make a decision on whether to keep using the GuardX products (if they do give you them) or move onto other detailing stuff.

Andrewcupra TDI

Resident Desk Jockey
Apr 30, 2008
in the mountains ( Wales )
as for guardx my lil sis had it on her !series bm , she wouldnt have a clue on hwo to maintain the protection of the car ,

she rang the guardx people up as her dealer for the car stopped using GX or lost contract (not sure exact detail )

she has car booked in today for them to sort it all out again , as her interior was staining from the rain while windows open (she has a very light interior colour )


I use a Poorboys Waffle Weave towel, I prefer it to the microfibre towels, one does the whole car inc door shuts etc. Remember when you wash it, if you stick it in the machine don't use fabric softener as it clogs the fibres ;)
I'd also agree with the polish and wax, build up a few coats of wax. As you don't need to do this everytime you wash it, maybe invest in some dodo juice red mist or something similar for protection after a 'normal' wash.
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