Phone connection

Happy Ant

Active Member
Jun 9, 2023
I have a seat Leon FR 2023 model (I think that is a MK4) and my readmi note 9s is connected via the SEAT Connect app but whenever I go into the app to use the sat nav it states
'This online service is deactivated in your vehicle. Please activate this service in your vehicle'
Yet it is connected via Bluetooth, so not sure what to do
Any help please?


Active Member
Jun 1, 2018
You cannot use the Seat app functions unless you buy the connect package for your car, which then connects the car to the app also gives data for some in car functionality.

Frankly it isn't worth it, the app and in car functionality it adds is pretty pointless - Android Auto does everything much better and for free. I had it free for the first year and used the app a couple of times, I can't understand what Seat thought they were doing with the concept.
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