Throttle Cable stuck?!


Active Member
Jan 25, 2010
Right, just back from work, parked my car in the car-park for the day, and returned after work, got in, started normally. I pulled always in first, doing about 5-10mph around the car park, changed into second and then something weird happened.. I released my foot off the accelerator to take a corner, but the car carried on with the same power as previously, rev's didn't drop, nor speed, i managed to get it round the corner, and actually go about another 100m around the car park without touching a single pedal, the car wasn't slowing at all, just kept a constant speed, over bumps and up slight hills. Once leaving the car park it drove fine all the way home, and i tried to replicate the feeling once home, and couldn't manage it.

My dad reckons it could be a jammed or stuck throttle cable, but any ideas would be great?!

Also to mention it did happen once before, again in a car-park, a car pulled out in front of me, and i was nearly unable to stop as it carried on powering forward, even with the break applied?

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