Honeycomb Grill Fitted (+ fitting guide pics)


Mar 17, 2008
hello, iv brought one of these grills and carnt seem to get the dam thing of, iv got to the stage of geting the top push plugs out and the gril slides up abit and then carnt seem to find the other two bits that hold the grill in place? are they on the sides of the grill to the lert and right of the seat badge.


Honeycomb Grille

If you look at the 4th pic posted by Jace and once you have moved the grille up slightly you can pull it out from the slam panel enough to see into behind the right and left of the grill. The lugs in photo 6 are located approx 1/2 way up on each side of the grille and all I had to do was to use a long (flat) screw driver to prise the hooked section of the grille out of the vertically slotted holder. I inserted the screw driver to either side of the hand in photo 4 an diagonally down to the fixing. I may have been lucky with my first time attempt but if came out easy. The instructions with the grille are useless and my Dealer could not help either as their manual had the same instructions. The only bit of the instructions which is of help is the bit where you have to push in and up with you fingers to move the grille section up a bit. Remember to pull the top of the grille section out from under the top of the slam panel. See Photos. Finger pressure was not enough in my case and I had to press my palm fairly hard to push in and up.

Hope this helps



Rather than using a screwdriver to prise the tabs out - me and a mate each got a hand through the slats in the grill and pulled the tabs at the side away each doing one side at the same time.

Don't know how easy it would be to do on your own as both your hands would be turned in opposite directions if you see what I mean.


Sneaker Freaker

seremotors on ebay is the best & cheapest place to get them, Dave is the man [B)]


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Mar 8, 2004
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Ordered it, and it has arrived very quickly thanks Dave. got the old One off will fit the new one later, was thinking of honeycombe but wanting to keep it as close to factory as I can
May 25, 2008
I was planning to buy the 3 sets sides and middle but now i may have to rethink about...I don't know about that pic tho as you said no justice from that rather harsh i would say lol but nice to see is gleaming :)
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