
  1. speedsix

    O/S front scrubbed badly on the inside

    Noticed today, this has happened sometime in the past month. N/S looks a little worn on the inside but O/S is completely fooked round the inside edge. Pressures are checked regularly. Tracking?? Not happy
  2. Diesel smell inside ibiza cupra

    Hi all, I've had my cupra about a week now and i absolutely love it. But over the last three days i've noticed a very strong smell of diesel inside the car when i start it first thing in the morning. After a couple of minutes the smell goes and it doesnt happen again until the car is...
  3. vid of milltek full system inside the car!

    just went out and did a vid of the sound will try and get a drive by done which will sound ace!
  4. scottys

    My car lowwered and the gauges in and rest of the inside sprayed

    a few pics
  5. chris285

    is my suspension gone - pics inside so does it look dead?
  6. windscreen freezing up on inside

    hi guys, just recently in the mornings my windscreen has been freezing up on the inside, no other windows are affected. i was wondering if anyone else has experienced this, is this due to a leaking seal or is it just because it gets very cold? i dont think its a seal as the other windows...
  7. Son

    Anyone painted their doorhandles inside?

    I'm talking about these... Just curious if the paint stays on without chipping...
  8. forge mk3 cupra FMIC vs SMIC, logs inside

    We ran a before and after (olly and I) on his REVO'd mk3 ibiza cupra. Friday evening on std SMIC and tonight on Forge FMIC data on raw spreadsheets here>> SMIC from Friday logs
  9. commiemidget

    How to take off inside door cards

    Hi All I recently had the mirrors changed on my Ibiza when it was having a front splitter fitted, but forgot i lost the outside temp sensor, i have a idea how to re-connect it but need to know the steps to remove the door cards and mirror base plates so that i can get to the wires to connect...
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