2008 seat fr tdi. What do you think?


Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
Exactly, I for one certainly wouldn't part with the cash until I had the keys in my hand, the documents in my pocket and the car in front of me!
But - some people are gullible [unfortunately] and at the chance of getting a bargain miss the true picture. :(


Lets see how fat the scammer is prepared to go seeing as the car is only 10 mins away from the original poster!

On a side note, if his name is George Agdgdgwngo, he works for the National Bank for the Bank of Uganda, and he tells you that you've been specially selected...it might be a scam...but only if that exact scenario occurs!


Full Member
Apr 23, 2003
Colchester, Essex
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Lets see how fat the scammer is prepared to go seeing as the car is only 10 mins away from the original poster!

it's actually 10 hours and around 600 miles from me, although he doesn't know that, and I have no intention of viewing as the car doesn't exist.
I'm just interested to see what excuse he comes up with - if he replies :)
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