Baby Seat on Recaros


Keyboard Gangster
Feb 1, 2005
Wishaw, North Lanarkshire
Ok, I've had some great news that I'm gonna be a Daddy!
So i need to get ready and start planning,
Problem 1. Baby seat, I've got Recaros front and rear and i need a baby seat that fits the rear seats!
Has anyone had any past experiences of this,
and yeh, i've searched but no defo answers!


Congratulations!! :D

If you've still got access to the ISOFIX fittings I would recommend the Recaro Young Profi Plus seat & base. I'm going to be a dad in April and we'll be getting that seat. Advantage is you can use the same base for the next size seat.


Fire Starter
Mar 26, 2004
Near Blackpool
Having done quite a bit of research on this and talked to various 'experts' the general consensus is that the Recaro baby seats, whilst stylish, are by far not the safest on the market. The side impact control/protection for the head/neck area was not good at all.

Maxi Cosi came out top for all round safety and control.

But, if you value style and 'chic' over your childs safety, then fill your boots.


VW Passat B6 2.0 TDi SE
Jun 19, 2007
Congrats :) My second is due in March :) :)

Go for ISOFix as they are a standard and an ISOFix seat should fit - failing that go along to a mothercare, try out a few and then buy one online...

I can, however, recommend (spelling) Britax car seats as they get the best writeups.....


Limp Mode Squad ™
We have the Maxi Cosi Cabrio that affixes to our Icandy Apple travel system. We also bought the ISO fix base that allows for easy attaching.

The base costs £100 but it's so worth it. Makes it really secure.

Another top tip is get one of these for the car seat.

They're called baby Hoodie's (complete with ASBO).
No faffying about with jackets and stuff. Just plonk him/her in and wrap it up cosy and designed to fit in car seats.

Oh and congrats by the way.

Cupra Duper

Active Member
Jul 26, 2007
Congrats mate,

I have a Britax, this is a forward facing seat but goes from 20lbs up i think. Was 119 from mother care.

Enjoy the first 2 years, as after that its a nightmare lol.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Congratulation dude
Best feeling in the world, better than even say a Big turbo!!
I've got Which subscription so send a PM if you find a few you like and I'll see what Which says
Maxicosi are very highly rated,
Hope the wife is well:)
Oh you going to find out what you are getting?

Matt Cupra R

Full Member
Jan 13, 2006
I have 2 Britax First classes, that I have just taken out of my wifes Bora and my LCR. My son is well over a meter tall now so we have upgraded. These seats are great because they can be used as both backwards and forward facing and from 0 to 4 years old. (Provided your child is not a giant like mine.) Excellent seats, never had a problem with them.