Bedford Aerodrome Trackday - 2/12/06


Orange Wheels FTW!!
Oct 25, 2006
Was up since 4.30 yersterday, drove over 300 miles, used 2 tanks of fuel in the process, my brake pads will need replacing soon and my tyres are looking a little worse for wear, but have had an absolutely brilliant day doing it!! Here are a few pics of the day:-

my car

my mates mx5 that spent most of the day sideways

an e30 325 bmw that came up with us

my mates celica gt4 that is running approx 300bhp

the only accident of the day - the evo went into the back of a scooby! missed it as was off getting petrol at the time!

a fully striped roll caged integra dc5!! looked the nuts and went like the clappers


one of a few lotus exige's that where there today where pretty quick and some of them sounded amazing!

and an interesting graphic on the side of an old skool porsche

was a very good day, had lots of fun. the car did better than what i thought it would. was htting 120mph down the straight before braking! :-o at one stage during the day, i got a porsche boxster s blue flagged as he was in my way, which surprised me! also had a good battle with a few supras aswell that where there.

there was a photograapher there aswell who got several pics of my car going round the corners on 3 wheels which surprised me!

meet someone off of here who had a leon cupra r, nice to meet you, car was very nice, cleaner than mine!! lol

i would definetly recommend this track to anyone that wants to do a track day, very good track, well organised and is a good learner track for people who havent done one before!
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nice to see you were upsetting a boxter lol sounds like you had fun


Orange Wheels FTW!!
Oct 25, 2006
yeah, was pleased with that!! made me laugh and prob pissed him off that he was getting told to move out the way of a seat!! lol

was a top day and would def recommend a track day to anyone, there are so much fun and you maybe surprised (like me) as to how well yo do!


Full Member
Apr 29, 2005
Good to meet you to Cupra Jay, had a great day, the odd spin in the morning because of the greasy conditions but really got going in the afternoon.

was hitting 130 on the main straight plenty of fun but a few dicks there to always try to keep my distance from the old shitters.... Shame about the Scooby and the Evo nasty collision and the scoob was trailered due to the damage, both had front end damage not sure what happened, looks like they slapped sides...:(

As you said a few things to race against especially those slow assed boxsters, also a couple of new golf GTi's taking there time ;) anyway good day see you at another track soon.


Full Member
Apr 29, 2005
Well there was an ambulance attending so not sure... The Evo driver did not look happy but all track days are knock for knock so you pay for your own.... Not sure what happened but I think one of them was on an in lap so taking it easy and they came together at about 40-50?

My Brother blew his engine on his Scooby to which was a bummer... :(


Full Member
Apr 29, 2005
I think it was expensive he was sitting in the car park at lunch time trying to disconnnect the head lap that was just connected by wires and a mangled clip.... didn't have the heart to go over and ask what happened... Unfortunately it is always a risk at track days, just keep your distance.....

I had a good day but disappointed with my driving for most of the day only really got the lines sorted in the last hour or so...


Full Member
Apr 29, 2005
i have done 2 so far and doing snetterton this sat and so far we have had no muppets turn up

thats done it they will all turn up on sat now

Well I hope you have a good day mate sure you will be fine and you can always avoid the muppets just get an idea of who they are and let them get on with trashing there own car.....

You can always slow down and let them through.... One car I did enjoy driving with was a Jag XKR who was quick but didn't handle, he let me through after a few corners.


Orange Wheels FTW!!
Oct 25, 2006
brucel - nice to meet you aswell mate, was trying to get out on the track the same time as you but could never get the timing right!! lol
when i first went out in the morning for the familiarisation session i did notice that grip was going to be an issue, but fortunately it dried up and didnt have many problems apart from gonig a little wide in some corners from going to fast into them! didnt spin off at all during the day which for me was impressive concidering this is my 3rd track day i have doen and have spun off on the last 2 - but they where in my old 1.1 saxo which rocked more than a dingy in a storm and less grip than a bar of soap!! did get the back end out a few times here and there in the morning, but when the track dried my car wudnt slide!! :(
didnt see the accident between the evo and scooby, was off getting petrol. came back just as the evo was getting pulled through the pits.
didnt get a chance to race the golf gti's round the track, wud have been interesting. was having a few tear ups with the supras that where there. beat they didnt expect to see a little old ibiza staying with them round the track! :funk: :cartman: :wtf: :-o

tris - lemme no about the track day in march/april at brands is only about 10/15 mins down the road from where i live. might be gonig there early next year with the same people for a track day as apparently they are quite cheap

all i can say is.....



SCN Veteran
May 27, 2001
Bedfordshire, UK
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That's why I pick and choose carefully the track days I do go along to these days.

Luckily a friend is into organising them and the regulars that attend are all sensible folks. :)

Plenty of fun and track time as a result.

Take care out there.

PS: I wasn't there in my GTI or I'd have passed the lot of ya LOL