Brake Servo Replacement



There's a loud hiss coming from behind the dash which stops the harder you press the brake pedal. Took it to my mechanic and he says the brake servo is gubbed. Which makes sense. He's quoted me £450 for parts (£170) and labour. He says the engine block needs shifted to get access to the servo.

Does anyone have any experience getting the servo replaced - is it really that big a job?

Does anyone have the appropriate part number for 2003 110 TDI Leon?



Skoda Techie
Mar 22, 2003
It is a big job yes, but tbh they all make some noise, they have to as it vents.

Are the brakes suffering?


Sometimes yea. The hiss is annoying and most people comment on it when they get in the car - so it's deffo out of the ordinary. The brakes have seized up a few times, ie. no give in the pedal and i have to stand on them to get anything, so i'm assuming the servo has given up on these occasions. Was hoping it was just a leak in the pipes or a perforated seal around the drum - but apparently not.


Skoda Techie
Mar 22, 2003
Ahh does sound like its given up then, piece of cake on a LHD car but sadly our are not so easy. Also worth getting hold of a new plastic clip that secures the servo rod into the back of the pedal.


status subject to change
sounds about right for the job, it is a PITA.

Before going ahead though id want to thoroughly check all the vacuum hoses as its not unknown for these to fail.
In fact there was a thread on here a few days ago (however on an ibiza i think) where the brake peddle went solid like yours had, - in that case a dealer had replaced the servo and it had not fixed it.
When we suggested it could be a cracked / leaking vacuum pipe they got back to confirm that this had indeed been the problem all along.
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Skoda Techie
Mar 22, 2003
If the hissing noise is inside then its unlikely to be a vacuum pipe, but they are an issue on some of our cars as they get older (quite a few recalls on these in the past but mainly on petrol engines).


status subject to change
thats what all dealers say.
it would be silly not to take a look.

In my experience a fair few leons makes a phhhst sound when the brake peddle is depressed...
This sound comes from the peddal inside the cabin, its as if the peddle expels some air before any braking effect is achived or resistance on the peddle. Almost as if its set up incorrectly.

Any ideas?
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Skoda Techie
Mar 22, 2003
Thats what I meant originally as I hear the noise quite a lot, if it was just the noise then id say its normal, but if he is loosing assistance then its a leak somewhere.

Like you say well worth checking the vacuum pipes, pretty straight forward on a diesel.
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