C2 Arial - Quick question


No Longer a Seat owner
Jul 2, 2008
If you don't have a factory OEM radio then i would get a booster too, mine needed one when i swapped aerials. But looks good!
right.... now i'm stumped...
just had a go at fitting my new C2 Aerial... how the blloooooming heck to you get the OEM one off!?!?!?!

I have unscrewed and unscrewed. then gave it a good yank... but i dont want to break it!!!

Any help please!!!

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
I can't get mine off either....I pulled so hard my little feet nearly came off the ground :lol:

Did you pull it upwards or let it fold down flat and pull it from the back?
Et voila...


I stood behind the car, hand on the base, good yank... woop woop... job done!

Got my hand filthy in the process though...all that caked on diesel fumes... Aerial gets somewhat over looked in the cleaning process...

Great mod, cost under £6... and i sold my OEM one to my builder for £5 hahaha!
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