Comments please..


Oct 12, 2004
1 year on and no problems as of yet

80-140mph comparison on/off (Made an 11 sec difference within just this 60mph range)

Dont be fooled into thinking its a cheap option of tuning though, so far i have spent just over £2000 on it! Progressive controller is a must for safety.

So far car has achieved 284whp/397lbft (Approx 325-330bhp)

I also had a 2nd attempt where i dropped bhp but upped torque to 414lbft

Had an organised race with an STI Type R a couple of months back, reached a top speed of 161 GPS....

All in all highly reccomended, i thought long and hard about a BT conversion but couldnt bring myself to spending 5-6k for what really is the same outcome! When it comes to selling the car that investment would be lost where as with nitrous, in half an hour you can rip it out, transfer it to another car or sell the kit! With BT you cant do this and your in for a hell of a shock when selling the car (Clutch/LSD/Remapping/Pistons/Rods/ FMIC/BT+Manifold/Fuel Pump and all the other bits and pieces that make up the conversion)
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BHP Addict

Back in a SEAT!!
Jan 31, 2006
Good info there mate thanks,

How would you know tho if the rods were under too much pressure/nearly goin?

it is somthing I amreally interested in, but as you have found there are all sorts of opinions ent ther :confused:


Professional Detailer
Oct 10, 2005
Not something I'd look to do for the road, but certainly makes interesting reading. Very handy having Mitchy on the forum who can post actual facts and findings.

On other forums I have posted on in the past, no one really seems to know the facts and it turns into a 'don't do because the world will end' scenario!

Mitchy, does it make the car a handful - i.e. greatly increased torque steer, or does the progressive controller help keep that in check? How often do you find yourself needing a refill?


Oct 12, 2004
There are 1.8t engines as used in the ibiza that have run plenty of miles and not failed at higher sustained use than what i use in mine. The IHI ibiza boys are running 340bhp+ all day long, sustained and no failure!

Im pretty confident mine will not let go. A years heavy use so far and all is well, even the clutch!

Reg.....I dont use it in the 1st 2 gears due to the fact traction is a major issue, sometimes ill get away with using it in 2nd but not very often. The road must be really sticky to do this otherwise masses of wheelspin! 3rd gear sometimes sees wheelspin but activate it on a dry day and its a good shove up the arse (Nothing fast and the furious mind, like going into warp speed:D )

Progressive controller is there really to stop you firing in the nitrous at too low an RPM. Your car will already be making peak torque at around 2800-3200 rpm. Fire in a direct hit at that range and something is bound to go wrong! I use a progressive to feed it in, so 100% of my nitrous is not going into around 4000rpm+. I'll start it about 3000rpm but with the controller settings you allow the revs to rise before 100% of the power goes through! Its a bit tamer if you like than a direct shot but to save engine and transmission then i would say its a must.

Even a 50bhp nitrous shot on a progressive controller is giving me 100-110lbft of additional torque! Firing in nitrous at lower rpm without controller and you can be speaking 150-200lbft on a direct hit which i think you'll agree will lead to something snapping:doh:

I generally use 1 bottle a month at a cost of around £40. I have a spare bottle though, so refill once every 2 months to save the trip to doncaster all the time. Nitrous use on a 50bhp jet with an 11lb bottle is about 5mins! 5 mins dont seem a lot but think how long an overtaking manoeuvre is. Even a full speed nitrous run from 50-160 will take you in the region of 30-40 secs. You'll still have 4 1/2 mins worth of nitrous left.

I would say it would definitely hold its own against an IHI LCR no problems:) Its just a cheaper way and better financially IMO than buying things for your car that you will see no benefits from when selling! All my nitrous kit can be pulled out, re fitted to another car or sold! You can hardly do this with turbo/manifold/injectors/fuel pump and all the other gubbings that make up the conversion.

Bhp addict....There is no way of knowing if your rods are going to let go im afraid. A rod lets go and you'll know all about it. Im just giving the proof that the engine is strong enough to cope! 1 year on and all is well! I'll report again this time next year;)
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