cupra 1.8 20v t


hi eeryone,

Im new to this forum. I just bought a leon 1.8 20v turbo, im trying to find some tunning parts but im new to this car so i dont no much about them. :confused:
So will some help me. Its 180 bhp and i want to get more power out of it.
What will be the best way going around it lol....

Im a japanese car fan but my misses liked the car so got here early xmas present.

Thank you...:)

james walker

cooling is the key people
May 24, 2007
retford notts
best way to go around it matey, is to search this forum... wealth of info, use the top search button and youll find everything youll ever need to know.

welcome by the way


Oct 2, 2002
Visit site
first and formost, best bang for buck is chip it. You'll see around 205-210bhp.

Then add exhausts, filters, roll bars etc as you go along. Oh, and a dog bone mount so you can put those extra horses down without wheel hop!