Dash Board Lights what is normal?


Nov 24, 2009
Really need you help all Im trying to find out what lights that show up on the dash are normal

When you put the key in the ignition to 1st click, where all the lights come on, on the dash and then go out, which lights are you left with? before you go to the 2nd click thats starts the engine

On first key click im currently left with Handbrake, (Red) Alternator (Red), Emissions light (Yellow) & SMC (Yellow) the foot pedal light they all stay on

On 2nd click engine starts they all go out

does the fact they show up on 1st key click mean there has been a fault logged on the ECU with the emissions and steering?

This morning the car would not start so thinking maybe i need a new battery off to seat tomorrow for new battery and mini service ouch! and i thought i would just check with you 1st before i have a word with a technician
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Nov 24, 2009
You sir are an absolute hero thankyou so much for doing that for me, thats just how mine is!

i take it all is normal then :)

really happy! that has made my day!
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