Flip Key


Active Member
Jul 22, 2009
Yes, I have searched, and I have read through a lot of incoherent information regarding flip keys over the last few weeks. So I thought I would start something fresh.

Basically, I need a new key for my 2001 Seat Ibiza Chill car.

This guide is a belter, and I have identified that I need the 7M3 959 753 remote for the Seat Ibiza MK3, and that no other remote will work.

Sourcing the key blade itself seems fairly easy to do, and I have found this on eBay.

However, I cannot find the 7M3 959 753 remote anywhere? I was wondering if you very helpful fellow Seat enthusiasts could throw me a source?

I presume once I buy the remote, I simply need to get the key cut to my car (take my old key to Timpson's and get them to copy it?), and program the remote to work with my car?

I need to get this sorted soon.

Cheers lads.


Powered by Apples!
Jun 26, 2007
most timsons are too thick to cut the key properly!!!!!! but give it them and see what they say. with regards to the flip key there is one in the for sale thread (don't know if it works as my flip key works fine thanks :p) if not you just have to keep your eye out on ebay ect and just drop lucky.


Active Member
Jul 22, 2009
I got the key cut today at a fairly big key cutters in Wigan whilst I was in the area. Cost me a tenner to get it cut.

I then got the transponder programmed to my car in Liverpool (Bootle), and the fella also programmed it to my central locking. It cost £45 to get it coded.

All in all, the new flip key has cost me £90. I'm very pleased with it :)

Hopefully this thread will help those out who were as initially confused as I was.


Powered by Apples!
Jun 26, 2007
Bloody hell! That's a pretty penny! Did u not have
a spare key to nick the transponder from? U could
have saved by doing the central locking urself too!


Active Member
Jul 22, 2009
Yeah, getting it programmed was a bit on the expensive side, but there wern't exactly many alternatives. The £45 was just for the transponder coding, but the fella had a go at programming the central locking as well.

Worth it though, my other key was in tatters.


Powered by Apples!
Jun 26, 2007
like i say mate if you other key was battered anyway you could have nicked the transponder our of that for free! and done the central locking yourself, but as long as ur happy that's all that matters!


Active Member
Jul 22, 2009
I know where you are coming from mate.

I 'needed' a spare key though, as I only received one key with my car. Also, I'm not entirely sure the transponders could be swapped, what with them being completely different key models.


Powered by Apples!
Jun 26, 2007
yeah true that having a spare is always needed (imo) in case something happens, but yes the transponders can be transferred (in case you decide you want 2 flip keys). as i tore apart my std spare key to take the transponder out for my flip key so i know it 100% works! it's fun breaking/sawing/chopping the old key up though whilst making sure you dont smash the transponder!
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