Front Seat Mechanism

Jul 17, 2004
West Lothian
Happened to me in my 2.0 Sport, a pound coin fell into the mechanism and it wouldn't tilt. Took it to the dealers and they fitted an Access Plus (tilt AND slide) mechanism under warranty. :D Didn't get my quid back though. :p


Active Member
Jan 13, 2008
Me to, again a 20p piece, mind you onc I could be arsed fishing it out I found 3 more so 80p was a result for 10mins work!

tdi sport

Active Member
Apr 13, 2008
hey guys have to get my seats out whoever had the car before me must have kept his money in the rails cuz thats all i see wen i look down any1 hav any idea what kind of socket i need to get the seats out some kind of spline


Damn, I now have this problem which makes things very difficult indeed as we have a child seat to get in and out.

Is it easy to strip down the seat to investigate. I have no experience in this kind of thing at all. Damnit [:@]
Jul 23, 2008
Manchester - UNITED
I had this problem for ages.
Ended up removing the seat and taking all the cover off because I didnt know what was wrong.
I found a 50p stuck in the mechanism.
It was a pain in the arm getting the seat out, but I wanted to clean and hoover underneath it anyway.


There was a pen lid that caused the problem in the first place but I only found that out after using a little more force than usual and pinging the cable which now is malfunctioning.

Garage reckon it'll be cheaper to get a replacement chair than to try and repair it.
What a bummer :(


thankyou sir - I'll have to have a peep and try this.
The chair will have to remain in situ though, which might make things interesting !

I'll come back tomorrow with an update if I get the chance to try this.

Thanks again


Active Member
Apr 29, 2010
Rochdale NW
Mine keep playing up. when i picked up the car my mate said both didnt work.
A day later the girlfriend had forgoten and went to tilt the seat and it worked.
But could never get the drivers siade to work (would pull one sdie and flick the other side with my finger) had taken around £2.20 of change out of the seats.
but the pass said stoped working the other day and now the drive side as started to work fine :shrug:
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