headunit release clip broken...

rob - 73

Active Member
Jun 26, 2007
Hamilton / Glasgow

Need some adivice on this one, I have tried to remove my Aura head unit with the old cut up card technique... no joy. So while I was at SEAT I got one of the guys to put the 2No. removal keys in the slots under the headunit to remove.

The problem is the left one clicked and was releasing the unit but the right hand side key couldn't catch the clip... (some numpty must have bent it... yeah that would be me :whistle:).

The SEAT tech tried for a good 5mins to get it to catch but it wasn't happening.


Any ideas on how to remove the headunit now, there must be another way to access this release clip (possible from underneath). I don't mind taking a lot off surrounding parts off to get this resolved.... as long as it ain't the whole freaking dash...lol

I am planning on applying some 3M Di-Noc carbon fiber to the surrounds and need to remove the headunit to get the trim off.

Advice / help / suggestions please...

rob - 73

Active Member
Jun 26, 2007
Hamilton / Glasgow
Nice one Lee, that shines a bit of light on what i am trying to release. I take it the release is the narrow wire visable in the 1st pic in the small cut out towards the front? Sorry kinda difficult to describe.. I will pick up some keys tomorrow and try and get it to catch.

rob - 73

Active Member
Jun 26, 2007
Hamilton / Glasgow
Just a quick update on removing the aura headunit. Got some release keys and couldn't get them to catch.. Tried and tried and finally went for the pliars pulling the volume knob method, bit sketchy but it worked. Once the unit was out I found out why the keys wouldn't catch. The release clips were bent in towards the unit. Removed them and fixed them, fitted the unit again with no problems. Seams a more secure fit now. Thanks for the help again. Now to order that 3M Di-noc carbon.