HELP! seems like the weather has coated my car in I don't know what


Active Member
Nov 18, 2011
Unfortunately my parking space is directly under trees so I have to cope with all the crap that comes off them when it rains..
I live in edinburgh and we've had heavy rain the last few days however when I came out to the car this afternoon the car was a mess.

Decided to take it to the local carwash (I don't mind them as they don't touch the car, just snow foam on and pressure wash off). Driving to the carwash I put the window washers on a few times but whatever is on the window isn't coming off. The wipers were making a scuffing sound across the glass!

Got to the carwash and the guy said they'd had cars in all day with the same problem, reckoned it might be something in the weather. I said I thought it might be sap from the trees but they said others who'd been in werent parked under trees.

Anyway, they gave it a wash but it still left most of this crap on, it's dry and rough. They thought it looked like cement dust!
They said they were going to try treat a car tomorrow so I've to contact them to see how they get on and how long it'd take/cost, I doubt I'll trust them with it though...

I haven't had my car detailed in over a year so thinking about booking it in somewhere.

Does anyone have any idea what's caused this and how best to treat it and any recommendations for detailers in edinburgh?


Active Member
May 7, 2015
i had the same problem with the windscreen and I clay barred it and it cured it... until it mucks up again

if youve got 6 hours to spare you could do it yourself lol


Active Member
Apr 15, 2010
North West Kent
It's dust from the Sahara, gets picked up and sent thousands of miles, even reported in Texas.

We had a health warning over it earlier this year when loads of it settled.

Of course, it could be a cement factory not controlling it's stores.


Active Member
Dec 20, 2009
Try a cleaner like Autofinesse Citrus Power

If that doesn't work, try a paint cleanser like Autofinesse Rejuvenate. It'll strip everything off the paint
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Active Member
Nov 18, 2011
Try a cleaner like Autofinesse Citrus Power

If that doesn't work, try a paint cleanser like Autofinesse Rejuvenate. It'll strip everything off the paint

Cheers, I'll try out the Autofinesse Citrus Power. I can't get the detailer to work on it till the end of August and I'm scared to leave it that long.
The detailer hasn't seen it but reckoned it's just sap from the trees, doesn't look like that to me. It's like chalk ingrained over the whole car.


El Salvador Pimp Daddy
Jul 31, 2015
On the Farm
maybe there were workers cutting stone nearby? and maybe it is sap with dust stuck to it. hope you get it sorted soon buddy.
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