Intermittent Remote Central Locking


Since having my car I have had trouble with the remote central locking. It works, but sometimes I have to stand there with my finger pressed on the unlock or lock button (depending on which I'm doing) for a minute or more before it'll do what's asked of it...

I don't think it's the batteries because I have had it work from across the car park at home...

Does anyone know what could be wrong? Is it out of sync or something?

Sometimes I just give up in frustration and use the key... it's almost random whether it'll want to work or not... sometimes it'll work as soon as I press the button, sometimes it refuses to work at all and sometimes I have to hold the button down for a while for it to work

The light on the fob flashes as I hold the button down...


Uber pimp meister
Aug 1, 2001
Sounds like batteries to me. How old is it? Had new battery in mine after 2 years approx...


It's 2001... it was my initial impression that it could be batteries but the fact that it would work from so far away was confusing... in my experience of other car remotes the range gets shorter and shorter as the battery nears the end of its life...

Maybe its different on Seats, i'll change the batteries and see how I get on...

Do I need to resync it with the car once I change the batteries or anything?


There Can Be Only One!
Sep 9, 2002
Or interference - depending on where I park, makes unlocking the car a nightmare!

Goot :)


Well, I have changed the battery (1 battery in it)... but it hasn't helped a lot... i think it has improved a little though...

It could be interference I suppose, but it seems to happen regardless of where I am