need a rear bumper...not happy


Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
kilrea N.I
sitting junction when i looked in my mirror and saw a focus coming at me with a girl driving along looking out the side the time i thought shes going to hit me she was into the back of me.......
didnt do much damage but the bumpers all cracked an chipped an scrapped paint. i'm going to get price for paint tonight an looked at a bumper on ebay for £135 with 40 postage.
i was just wondering if they are any use or where could i get a cupra r rear bumper. going to phone seat tomorrow but thought mayb could get somewhere else cheaper as dont like twisting with things like this as been through it mysel with someone being a twat!! cheers lads


Active Member
Jul 12, 2008
as above. if she doesn't want to go through insurance, get a quote from a main dealer. why do it on the cheap when you're not at fault?


Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
kilrea N.I
yea prob right...sickening....they were looking at it saying it only a wee bump an that it just couple o scrapes but i know the cracks cant be sprayed an needs new bumper an when she finds out price o it they will prob twist.....says alot for looking where your

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
You wouldnt believe the amount of people we used to have coiming into work asking if we could repair there bumpers.....only to find out thet actually need hundreds or even thousands of pounds worth of work done.

Plastic bumpers are designed to pop in then pop back out.

I'd 100% take to to a reptuable gargae and get a proper quote.


Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
kilrea N.I
If you've managed to crack a plastic bumper chances are you've also damaged the rear panel behind it.

said that till her to but yous know what it like....lotta ones round here drive there cars an dont care a thing about it, if they hit you they expect you to go o well an drive
going for a price in an hr or so an then see wha happens.....was kinda thinking ones on the bay no use may phone seat.. thanks again

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
She has hit you through no fault of your own so your best off going to a proper garage and getting a proper quote.

You could indeed just phone Seat and get price for bumper.....then get it painted......but if you come to fit it and the guides are broke or the rear end is damaged your going to be pretty angry!


Active Member
May 14, 2005
UK, Staffordshire
A front LCR bumper cost me about £300 from the dealer (the rears are probably about the same), plus I was offered £100 for the old one back by their parts guy. If you can't sell the old one on ebay for something they may take it but obviously it depends on the damage, mine wasn't too bad (mainly paint damage, scuffs and creasing) and I got £150 back from selling it on ebay.

I bought a new one because of the creasing to it and as I'm keeping the car for a while I wanted it done properly with a new bumper. Avoid the fibre glass ones as said as they are very fragile and split easily.
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Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
kilrea N.I
went up to sparyer. he says it not just as bad as thought most o the cracking is jus paint and the bits properly cracked are around the number plate so not as easy seen but still new bumper and spray taking to 500 odd pounds for what looks like couple of scrapes!! would say she'll be in for a shock an mayb make her look the right way when coming to a junction. thanks lads
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