Newbie Question re: Forge Recirculating Valve.


Active Member
Aug 12, 2009
I've read lots of stuff on the forum about how many people have fitted the replacement Forge recirculation valve to their vehicles with great interest. I have some questions though which I can't seem to fathom out - hope people can help me?

Is this the kit that most people fit?

Am I right in thinking that this is not a dump valve and WON'T give off a loud "psssh" noise everytime I back off the trottle?

Are they easy to fit (i.e. can a complete novice fit one) or are there potential pitfalls that mean I should really get a qualified mechanic to fit one?

What are the advantages over the OE valve?

Do they improve reliability of the engine or do they potentially put more strain on it?

Do they increase power or torque output?

Do they work 100% on a standard LCR225 on their own or should I be looking to fit other mods as well to get the best out of it?

My car currently drives great and power delivery seems to be spot on, however when on boost I hear a wavering kind of whistling noise coming from the engine that doesn't really sound like a turbo normally would (I can't actually hear the turbo because of it). Its almost like I've got the window slightly down and the air is blowing through it and doesn't seem consistent with the speed that the engine is spinning at. Could this be a fault with the OE recirculation valve or is it something else?

Is £90-odd about the right sort of price for one of these kits or could I source one cheaper elsewhere?

Thanks for your help..



California Bound
Yes that is the correct valve, the Forge 007 :)

It's a fully recirculating valve so it won't make a Ptshhhh sound unless you mate it with an open cone induction kit. To make it louder you can remove the bonnet lining, do an N249 bypass, air filter and get a remap to increase boost pressure.

It's extremely easy to fit, fits exactly the same as the OEM valve, simply swap them with no adjustment needed anywhere else.

Advantages seem to be a faster response from the valve over OEM and they're more durable/last longer. They are adjustable so you can insert a spring to suit your mods i.e. no remap = green spring, stage 1 or 2 remap = yellow spring etc.

Makes no difference to engine what so ever.

No increase in BHP or Torque.

Work 100% on a standard car with nothing else needed.

You may have a boost leak. Check all of your boost hoses for small splits. Are you losing power?

£90 is about the norm, however they can be had for cheaper. Check out the forums sponsors :)


Active Member
Aug 12, 2009
Thanks for the replies peeps :D

Yes, I definitely DON'T want a loud "psssh" sound when I back off the throttle. Not my cup of tea and there's heaps of Punto GTs and stuff around my neck of the woods with 20in rims and big CHOONS blaring out that do that :blink:

Don't want to make the car any louder either really so I'll be leaving the bonnet lining in place, though I may uprate the induction at some point to a fully enclosed jobbie.

Sorry to sound really dumb here but could someone give me some pointers as to which of the many hoses under the bonnet could be the potential culprit if indeed I do have a boost leak? Also, if I blip the throttle with my head under the bonnet should the split hose (if there is one) be pretty easy to spot/hear?

As things stand, I've no idea if I'm losing power because I've only had the car a fortnight and it still feels pretty quick (well anything would compared to my previous DERV Astra). Power delivery does seem to be pretty linear and there are no flat spots it seems, so maybe the leak is pretty small.

Maybe I need to find a rolling road day neaby before I start changing anything. Would be good to see what kind of power the car is running and look at the graphs to see how healthy things are :shrug:

Does anyone do a complete replacement hose kit for the LCR that I could buy to just solve any potential leaks in one foul swoop? If so, what brand offers best value for money? How much should I be looking to spend?


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