Oil light flashing several times and beeping noise!


Active Member
Dec 29, 2008
I am a bit worried about this, but the last couple of times when i've turned the engine on the light has flashed Red several times, i lost count to be honest!
Also it beeps just like it does when your low on petrol.

I shall explain right from the start...

I was driving to work one morning and i had 3 definate red flashes and at least 3 beeps.
I searched on here and i came to the conclusion that it was low oil pressure, i was doing 2,500 rpm at the time.

It was fine for a week or two, then i get whats happening now, which is the continous flashing and some beeps aswell.
I checked the oil and it seems fine, its at a good level.

The car is due a service though.

Also, to add worry i found this on a search i done 'oil light flashing'

Boo Hoo, heres an update to this problem.

I decided to take the car along to a garage for someone to look at (as I needed to get home some 150 miles away) and on the way it died a horrible death on the M5. Horrible squealing noise followed by loss of power. Pulled over on the hard shoulder and under a bridge as it was pouring down and waited for the AA. On arrival AA bloke took one look at it after I turned it over and said the timing belt had gone.

Leon is now at VAG in Bristol and I'm 150 miles away at home after a nightmare day courtesy of British Rail.

Guess the light must have been flashing red - sorry to hear the bad news :(

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Im pretty sure the light flashes like this when your brake oil is low.
You might need new pads!!

My car was doing this the other day and i put more brake fluid in and it has stopped...and yes I do need new pads.


Active Member
Sep 14, 2008
UK Yorkshire
oil light wont flash for any brake related problem, it works simply off the oil pressure switch on the engine.

Brake fluid low will sometimes come up the same light when the handbrake is on. red circle with a ! inside.

brake pads low is a orange light in a circle shape but around the circle also has 3 segments each side circular shape split into segments.

the oil light is a red oil can shape light. not the same one as the brake warning light circle and ! if tyou are getting mixed up but no way can these two be related and oil pressure low isnt related to brakes..


Active Member
Dec 29, 2008
No, its the the one in the other circular section Lee

After getting a brainwave i looked in the manual! :funk:

Coolant level!
It's low and needs topping up. :doh:

How much and how is my next question? lol
Never done this before.


status subject to change
lol as soon as i read this thread i thought i bet this is actualy the coolant...
there is loads of info on here.
Could be low coolant or faulty sensor.
top it up a bit and its likely to be ok.
(but check its not actually dropping over time)


Active Member
Dec 29, 2008
I done the screwdriver scrape on the metal prongs yesterday, and put a little water in there aswell, and when i started the car up this morning it was as good as gold. :D


help !!!!

HI to everyone, i have a seat Leon 1.4 Cupra R replica and recently the oil light started flashing and there was 3 bleeps. It doest stay on and it comes on whenever it likes altough i have drove on the motorway and it never come on until i slowed down ? weird. I have read on some posts that it might be oil pressure switch so i have changed that but i am still getting the annoying bleeping noise and flashing light and then i read about scraping the prongs in the coolant tank but still no good has any one got a scanner that could read my car for faults ? i am in Birmingham area ? ! hopefully some one can help !

thanks all ! Louie (Birmingham) BCFC.


ok mate thats the next thing to try thanks for ur help i will let u know how i get on cheers mate.
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