Rear interior trim removal


Active Member
Jul 4, 2013
Southend, Essex
Hi all,

Hopefully a quick one for you - my headlining has finally given up and sagged so I'm in the process of re-trimming it.
I've managed to get the liner out (only lost skin on 2 fingers...) by removing the A & B pillar covers and thought that while I've got the interior in bits I may as well freshen everything else up inside.
I've searched online and watched a video of someone doing it on a MK4 Golf but for the life of me I can't get the center section of the rear trim to budge. Video I saw showed a guy use a pry tool across 3 points at the back and the whole chunk came out with minimal force. Doing the same on the leon frees the left and right side but it's stuck fast in the middle. The retaining clips shown in the video are also different to what I can see, which I suppose is obvious given it's a slightly different car.

Anyone know the right/easy way of getting it off?


Active Member
Mar 22, 2016
Hi there.

I've already done that and those clips are damn painfull to beat! I just grab a long screwdriver and use like a lever/pry tool and it finally come off.
It's like the lower cover on the trunk door - hard to pull out!!

Trim Removal

Good luck and use gloves. :)

PS- Mine is a Standard Leon TDI, not a Cupra or Cupra R.
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2013
Southend, Essex
Thanks for the reply - I tried using force but stopped when it was bouncing on the suspension,

Will give it another try and post back if/when I get it off, with as many pictures as I can so others have an idea of the fight.

Gloves would have been smart, but would have required thinking ahead :D
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