secondary air pump


sorry if this is on the wrong bit, i have searched for info but found a selection of results but none that directly answer my queries.

the secondary sir pump has gone in the car. I have had it checked by a garage, who plugged it in and told me that was the fault. He also said that it is not needed in the car, and even if i dont fix it and the engine light never dissapears it wont fail the MOT.

however i do want to try and fix it, i have printed off the guide that was somewhere on here (cant find it now!) and i was going to take that to my garage and ask them how much they will charge to fix it i know someone else here somehwere said that they had it done for £90.

i would like to know if this is fixed, how long is the repair likely to last? Only mum has offered to buy the new pump (£300) for christmas (wicked can think of nothing better to get in my stocking!!!:cry::() as she thinks that i may be better to do that if the repair wont last very long!

does anyone know where i can get a replacement pump fomr any cheaper then £300?

also there was another thread on here that showed a little tiny green cone filter that tapped into the secondary air line, was that put on in replacement of the air pump/

sorry for all the questions but i am soooooooo confused!:doh::doh:


Leftie and Proud
Sep 27, 2004
Pig Hill
I too have been told my pump is knackered :(

Does your make a nasty kind of vibrating sound at low revs when pulling off?

SEAT quoted me today £285 + VAT fitting :blink:


i dont think mine is making any niose at least i have not noticed any!!!

The engine light came on and i took it to the garage and they plugged it in and told me. The chap said that i would know if it was working because it would be making a lot of noise, and i ahve not noticed any.

is that £285 including VAT AND fitting???

cos my chap said the pump would be about £300 and then cost of 1.5 hourse labour on top!


Leftie and Proud
Sep 27, 2004
Pig Hill
Yep that would be VAT and Labour on top :(

think I may be checking elsewhere if mne actually is the pump then :shrug:


well hopefully fixing it may be a better option, there is a thread on here somewhere i printed it off last week but i cant find it now!


hey Jonesey thanks very much you are very kind!!!

have just mailed Dave will let you know how i get on!
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