Wheel Size Pros and Cons


Active Member
May 12, 2009
I've had a search and found some information regarding wheel size and the pros and cons of having 17 or 18 inch wheels, 17’s seem to be more comfortable while 18’s look better but you lose the comfort and some say performance/acceleration.

I’m not really fussed with the comfort issue but more with the performance loss, would this be noticeable or is it just a myth? I read that weight is very important when picking a set of wheels so as long as they are light does it matter if they are 17 or 18?

I’m currently looking at a set of 18” BBS CH and the listing does state that they are lightweight but doesn’t actually state what weight they are.

I currently have the standard pre-facelift multi-spoke alloys 205/55/16.

Thanks in advanced.


be wary of lightweight bigger wheels as they are weaker and tent to distort when driving on speed bumps or potholes.

speed wise i would say its a myth that ull lose any performance and if you gain or lose any it will be so minute that you wont be able to notice

but!!! your average fuel consumtion from 17"-18" will probly go down by a whole 0.1mpg! (according to information on the new astra turbo)

at the very end of the day. i surjest you go with the wheel you think look the nicest!.

oh yea and for comfort. i think its more of the tyre you put on the rims rather then the size. i know that 20"+ low profile wheels are very uncomfortable but on a 17 and 18" your probly looking at the same again.

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
Lighter doesn't always mean weaker, mine are really light and strong

Its all about unsprung weight, my car drives quite a bit better on my new light wheels than it did on the heavy ones.