While Smoke On Startup


Active Member
Aug 25, 2007
My '98 Toledo TDI90 smokes really badly for the first 20 seconds or so after starting the engine. If you drive off straight away there's no smoke after about 10 seconds. When the engine's warm, if you rev it hard, all the way up to the rev limit, (in neutral) you get a tiny bit of smoke but that's expected, right?

Anyway, is this un-burnt oil or diesel? Or something else? Anyone know how i can fix it? I'm hoping to sell it soon so don't want to pay too much...

Also, the other day my partner dropped her son at school and the engine wouldn't turn off. :confused: She had to leave the car with it's engine running, even though the key was removed... :confused: When she got back to the car the engine had stopped running, and it hasn't done it again since. Any ideas?

We had a problem with it starting, in that it wouldn't, a few weeks ago. One garage said it was the fuel cut off valve. We changed this but it still wouldn't start. We took it to SEAT and they traced it back to the ECU. They said i needed a new ECU and it would be £800. We couldn't afford it so they said they can re-wire it, which i had them do. Has that caught up with us do you think? Is that why the engine wouldn't turn off?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

(Sorry for the long post...)

P.S. The title's meant to be white smoke, not while smoke. LOL
Last edited:
Oct 12, 2005
The white smoke on startup is perfectly normal. I get it. As long as the smoke goes away after a few seconds its ok. You will get it more now the weather is getting colder.

Ad Lav

Nov 10, 2006
Condensation my friend, mine does it in the mornings :)

Black smoke after 10-15mins of warming up :D


Active Member
Aug 25, 2007
It's weird coz my Ibiza doesn't do it, and that has the exact same engine, same code and everything... (AHU)
Oct 17, 2006
mine did it last year(winter) ALOT!!! but havnt seen a peep since Ive had the car an looked after her properly :)

But i will guess itll be back when the temps hit 5 - 6 degrees.

Anyone know a good/cheap car cover company/shop??
Oct 17, 2006
yeah it was back today !!

I get to sit at the light about 200metres from my house and watch the smoke as I dip my go faster pedal.
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