Forum software guide (hints and tips)

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Feb 28, 2002
South West
Welcome to the SEATCUPRA.NET forum software guide.

You may be new to forums or not be familiar with the software we use here, or simply be unaware of some of the capabilities on offer. This guide will hopefully help you. This is specifically about the software we use which is Xenforo.

This guide will grow over time as our software is updated and new features are added.

If you have any of your own hints and tips be sure to post them below. Or feel free to ask any questions.

Forums, Threads, and, Posts
These three terms are worth explaining in case you've not used a forum before.

These are grouped around a particular subject or car model. For example, in the Leon forum, you will find discussions about that model of car. We also have some forums with their own Sub Forums. So in the example of the Leon Forum we have subforums for the MK1 Leon, the MK2 Leon and so on.

Threads are topics of discussion within a forum. For example, you might start a new thread called "Please can someone help with this rattle in my MK3 Leon".

When starting a new thread please try to be as descriptive as possible and don't assume people have checked which forum you have posted in.

For example a title with just "Help" is not as good as "Help with engine mount problem on MK5 Ibiza" or "What size wheels" is not as good as "What size wheels to fit a facelift Ateca"

The thread is where the conversation happens in the form of what we call posts (see next).

A post is an individual entry by a member on a thread. To explain, in the example above when you created your new thread and gave it a title, you will make the first post within that thread, explaining what the problem is. Other people who reply will create their own posts in response to yours.

Watch a forum
One of the things many people miss is the ability to subscribe to "watch a forum". When you do this you have the choice of being notified when someone posts a new thread in that forum. You can either receive a forum notification (we'll cover these later), or an email.

At the top of the forum you are interested in just click on the "watch forum" link.

For example, we'd suggest watching the forum announcements thread to stay up to date as well as the national events thread.

Watch a thread
Like you can watch a forum you can also watch a specific thread. When you create a new thread or reply to a post on one

Add your own Avatar (or profile picture)
Personalise your profile by adding your own avatar. Most people put a picture of their car, or dream car, but as long as it's family-friendly we don't mind.

You can upload your own avatar by clicking on your username at the top right and selecting "Avatar" then the interface should be self-explanatory. We also support Gravatar if you use that service.

Your Avatar size should be 200x200 pixels

Add your own cover photo to your profile
We've got a specific thread to discuss the cover photo feature here

Add your photos to your own media album and posting items in the for sale and wanted section
To do this you need to be what we call an "active member", newly signed up members won't have access to do this.

To become an active member you need to meet the following criteria:
  • You have posted at least 5 messages (please don't just put pointless messages on to get the count up!)
  • You have received at least 2 likes (showing you have contributed to the community)
  • You have been registered for at least 14 days

Once you meet the criteria you will be able to add your own photos of your cars into your own album or albums in the section called "Media" here. Why not show us your SEAT/CUPRA car history?

We have an active for sale and wanted section as well that you will be able to use. There is more detail about the for sale and wanted section here.

The software allows you to have conversations with other forum members. This can be a one-to-one conversation or you can invite other people to the discussion.

To start a new conversation click on the envelope icon at the top right of the page and select "Start a new conversation".

Forum Notifications
The software will notify you when something happens of interest to you. For example, someone replies to your post or a forum you are watching has a new entry. Also when someone starts a conversation or replies to a conversation you are already in.

You can control your notifications in the settings (including the ability to trigger emails), but by default, you will see the icon at the top right (old software a flag, new software a bell) showing you the number of notifications. If you are viewing this on a mobile device the notifications will be on the side menu.
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