Maps.... Maps.... Maps


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I am told that some of you have already got your Leon 4's already. Just been looking at the VW map update site for the Tiguan 2020 which I understand is indeed the Leon 4 / Ateca 2020 spec. Post here:

Was eye balling files since Seat owners do like their workarounds.

What I established is there... if you like to answer the questions here that would be good. Technical mapping stuff has traditionally been on that thread since the units fitted are common across the models.

Interested in what version of the map the vehicle came with, the part number, and the firmware. The last two bits for Poinspector (import of speed cameras and user POIs).

We have a resource on that:

Trying to check whether POInspector works with MIB3 units. There was an issue with MIB2 standard wifi units now fixed ending in the part code 877 & 877A which rumbled on for a bit. Now know the process of fixing this so the part number of the unit and firmware is the key but also feel free to try it. Suspect that's going to take a time to flesh out.

OK now had a play with the MIB3 unit on a Seat Leon 4. Here Maps is the cartography, recognised what I digitised in to Here Maps, not on TomTom maps, saying that it was a bit lacking on stuff I've put in subsequently which appears in Mib2 High 184 June release. Thus in-line with Seat maps release being behind VW which is the VW release I used in the summer. This will be using a prior quarter or quarters. This is where you would update if you could.

Mute point perhaps on whether the online map updates via the eSim will be on the same release as the VW ones, since the normal offline ones are not. VW maps are updated online each quarter, off line twice a year. Probably assume Seat will be the same. Can one use the VW timely offline map on a Seat Mib3 as you can on a MIB2 High - not known yet.

Didn't manage to bring up the release of the MAP to check against the seriel number on the VW site. Menu option was hiding or perhaps only comes up when you do an offline up date of the maps with the USB-C in. Home > Cog > should have been there. Failed to find it as per the Leon / Ateca 2020 manual at-least.

The box in the glove box has vanished. No CD / DVD drive or SD card input, just USB-C behind the gear stick. Intrigued where they have that unit now. Probably behind a panel in the glove box but not visible since no user access is required.

This one didn't have 3D that's a seperate build code (ZN2) but does use Here Maps which is the source of the 3D buildings. 2.5 is your normal description you get on the MIB2 standard (TomTom maps), you get tilted zoom but no 3D building features, that's on the MIB2 High. Might be that 3D is being held back for Cupra's but is in German specs as an option for standard Leons.

Anyone brave enough can download the Passat 2020 maps from the VW site and see what it does using the Home Cog as per the pages of the manual and USB-C stick. You can buy a little USB to USB-C adaptor for the task circa £3. Not so sure about those dual reversible memory stick. Used for OTG not so sure of the pin out. It is an entry point for media music in the car. The back ones may or may not be wired that may. Seem to recall the Ateca prior to 2020 were not. That one might be the solution for your albums. Little tasks to experiment with :sneaky:.

More stuff I'll edit in later.
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