Crazy electrics

Mar 1, 2009
Found another funny one yesterday!

1. Turn on the ignition to position II, or turn on the engine.
2. Stick the wipers on intermittent, wait until they have wiped once and are resting
3. Turn off the engine/ignition with the wiper stalk still on intermittent
4. Slowly push in the hazard light button.....the wipers will move!

Mar 1, 2009
Knew someone was going to ask that! lol

Was waiting for a mate of mine to come back out of the petrol station, I was parked up, so was messing about as you do, the wipers were on from when I turned the engine off.
I wondered if I could get the hazards to blink quickly by not pressing the button in fully, low and behold, the wipers went! lol
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