Leon FR PD170 TDi Injector problem


I had my car recalled for the injectors in January and had problems from when I picked it up from the garage, the car would idle at 1000 revs and judder/lag/ loose power when going above 2500 revs,sometime the car would nearly stall because of it.

It went back to the garage a couple of week after the recall and they couldn't find anything wrong, except while waiting to pick up it up the car technician came out with what looked like a glass of coke, this was actually my fuel and he said it was contaminated fuel causing the problem( it was the last little bit left in the tank, when I picked it was showing 5 miles left in the tank)

Went back for a full service a few weeks after that and everything was absolutely fine after the service, I thought I would share what problems I had, Hope this helped.


Yeah sounds lyk my fr, its gettin serviced next week anyway, althou code p0234 is showing up sayin the turbo is over boosting happend a few times now, so dunno whats wrong ther any ideas?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2008
Largs , Ayrshire
Yeah sounds lyk my fr, its gettin serviced next week anyway, althou code p0234 is showing up sayin the turbo is over boosting happend a few times now, so dunno whats wrong ther any ideas?

Guessing a high mileage? Possibly sticky turbo vanes or fault turbo. Put some turbo cleaner through it and see how you get on


No thats the funny thing just 50k on it now, god noes al just put it to my local garage see what they say,


Active Member
Aug 18, 2007
Basildon, Essex
Hey guys,

Long long time no post but I just popped a deposit down today on a '07 Plate FR TDi & was wondering if there is anyway I can check if the Injectors have already been done under recall?

I'm buying from a non Seat dealer, car has 68k on the clock with FSH (not sure if it's Seat or not as I can't remember what the stamps where in the service book now) but has no receipts for work carried out.

If I ring Seat UK & give them the reg number will they be able to see if it's been done already or should I just book it in with my local dealer (Grants in Braintree) & act dumb about them & hope they sort them out under recall anyway??

I'm going to get it booked into AMD as soon as it's home for a DPF removal but would like the Injectors sorted first as the wife is 8 months pregnant (due 28th May) & a dangerous fault like this is pretty much making me poo my pants & make me wish my deposit was refundable.

Anyway thanks in advance



I had my recall after I brought the car (December) and the previous owner said he had a letter from seat so I phoned my local seat garage (st. Albans) and they had my registration on file, the recall flagged up strait away. I also brought my fr from a non seat garage and it wasn't a problem, let me know how your dpf removal goes as I'm tempted to have it done myself.
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Active Member
Aug 18, 2007
Basildon, Essex
Thanks for the help Skinny appreciate it.
Glad to hear that you got it all sorted easily...gives me a lot of hope now :)

I'm picking the Fr up on 11th May so quite excited but a little worried too :(
Luckily though the dealer actually threw a 12 month RAC Extended warranty into the deal so should the worst happen between picking it up & getting it done by Seat I'll be covered.

No worries will let you know how the DPF goes.
I'm off to message AMD now to get it priced & planned :)

Thanks again



Active Member
Aug 18, 2007
Basildon, Essex
Well I gave Seat UK a call at lunch time & spoke to Laura.
Gave my reg number for the car I'm looking at & explained what the issue was with the Injectors & if this car was flagged for the recall.

She was vague as fook & didn't have a clue what I was talking about.
She just said I should see my dealer.

So as soon as I get the car home I'll just ring them again & try to speak to someone else & then get it into my dealer for a once over.



Active Member
Oct 13, 2010
After paying deposit yesterday on a FR TDI, the first thing today I have called Seat UK.
I've been told that I should call the dealer instead.
Called Seat in MK and the person on the phone clearly knew what I'm talking about and now am booked in for a recall job on Tuesday next week.

I went through a free of charge injector change in my previous car (A4 B7) before they were recalled thanks to all the info that was on Audi-Sport.net. Nice to see that they are finally sorting it out without the need to argue with service.
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Active Member
Feb 10, 2011
Just bought a PD 170 FR at the weekend. I rang the local Seat dealer here in Ireland and they are checking my car with Seat to see if I need them looked at.

The car is mapped though so will they do the injectors if they notice this? I think the software cannot be detected but if they drive it surely it will be obvious??


Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
Well I gave Seat UK a call at lunch time & spoke to Laura.
Gave my reg number for the car I'm looking at & explained what the issue was with the Injectors & if this car was flagged for the recall.

She was vague as fook & didn't have a clue what I was talking about.
She just said I should see my dealer.

So as soon as I get the car home I'll just ring them again & try to speak to someone else & then get it into my dealer for a once over.

Call and ask to speak to Simon Akroyd.

Bomber - I doubt they would even check. Although if they do a diagnostics check and there is a software update then you might find your map wiped. Having said that it's a recall so I don't see how they can say anything - it's not like you're claiming on a warranty claim etc.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2007
Basildon, Essex
Call and ask to speak to Simon Akroyd.

Bomber - I doubt they would even check. Although if they do a diagnostics check and there is a software update then you might find your map wiped. Having said that it's a recall so I don't see how they can say anything - it's not like you're claiming on a warranty claim etc.

Thanks Dev.
I did see his name further back in the thread but thought I read he wasn't dealing with it anymore so just spoke to whoever answered the phone ;)
Will wait now till I pick the car up & then get it straight over the Grays & speak to Simon then

Thanks again



Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
Ah right, he might not be then, it was around xmas I had mine done and he dealt with it then. If not then I'm sure they can put you in touch with whoever is his replacement.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2007
Basildon, Essex
Thanks for the info Dev.

Change of plan for me now though...I've bottled it.

Having done nothing but read about the Injector issues & countless DPF threads I've decided I can't do it.

I can't take the risk that I buy a car that might not get me home from picking it up (45 mile motorway trip) with an 8 month pregnant wife & then will need the DPF removing as soon as I get it home because I do a lot of town driving.

I'll just stick with my Mk1 now till it craps out on me & then I'll buy something non Seat as I can't do it.

I really really wanted an FR as well but all this crap is too much worry for me now & I have enough stress with the baby on the way I don't need to be worrying about my car every time I drive it as well...such a shame as they are amazing fun :(

Oh well :(



Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
Hey, some people have absolutely no problems at all. Yes, I had my fair share of moans about the way the car dealt with the DPF (spluttering, low on power, hesitant under acceleration, always regenning etc) but it never actually broke down in the 100k+ miles I did in it. So I can hardly complain too much. The thing is, people will always post when they have a problem but rarely do when everything is fine... :)
But if you're worried then it's probably the right decision, nothing worse than not trusting your car.

I'm not sure of your budget, but one option may be to try and get hold of a FL FR? They have a common rail engine which was designed with the DPF in mind, unlike the PD engine. So far they are proving to be a lot better.


Active Member
Aug 18, 2007
Basildon, Essex
Thanks Dev.

I appreciate what you're saying, it's that old adage isn't it...

"Have a bad experience tell 10 people, have a good experience tell 1"

Just seems too many threads bemoaning it & the more you read the more paranoid you get but I really don't have the cash to keep spare just incase something goes wrong & none of these seem like cheap fixes.

It's such a shame as I've had nothing but trouble free motoring from my Mk1 for the last 4 & a half years just a clutch going but nothing else major at all & I really wanted to stay in the family but needed the savings that the FR TDi offered & with all the perormance as well.

My budget is only around £6k plus trade for my Mk1 so when I found the Mk2 for £7k at a dealer & got offered £1.5k trade for mine I nearly bit his hand off but then I did something stupid & started reading threads ;) lol
If I hadn't logged back on I'd be none the wiser & still picking up my dream Leon in 10 days time but as it stands I can't buy something I won't trust.

My best bet now really is too keep an eye out & see if I can get lucky & find a private sale for one that's already had the DPF done & Injectors replaced but I think these are few & far between

I'm guessing my budget is too small for a FL FR??

Anyway thanks again for all the advice it's really been appreciated.



Just thought I'd put my 2p worth in...
I got my injectors replaced 3 weeks ago, and since then the DPF has been on every day. Back to the garage 3 times and now they reckon I need a new DPF (Despite having no problems before). Apparently it was an existing problem that was masked by the old injectors...
I just think they should warn people that new injectors could highlight other problems. Might make people who've never had a problem think twice before going in for the recall. Then again, they could be talking sht...


Active Member
Aug 10, 2010
Same me after injector replacement my DPF just get crazy light on every week or so do not believe in shi...t talk that Your DPF was broken before recall ...


Active Member
Aug 10, 2010
I do not have time to waste with SEAT UK I do want to get my DPF removed...
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