Nasty 4x4's & Car Park Dents!


Full Member
Jan 12, 2006
Unfortunately my neighbour opened his door onto mine and has put a dent in the rear drivers side door :(

I didnt see him do it but I know it was him as the dent is very high up and he's the only person to park next to me today...I asked him and he denied all knowledge! I was tempted to thump him but I couldnt bring myself to do it as his wife was stood right next to him :censored::censored::censored:

What do you think the chances of being able to take the dent out are? I dont believe this part of the door is double skinned but I think there may be some sort of strengthening bar about 1/3 of an inch behind :(

Opinions please :(





Boost FTW
Apr 17, 2005
Norwich, UK
I picked up a hefty dent in the front passenger door after parking in Halfords car park. I figure I'll leave it there until I sell the car as then I won't be so gutted when it happens again!

It's annoying that people have such little sense or regard for other people's property.
Mar 26, 2007
i have a similar sort of dent, cant be bothered to get it out really, its not THAT noticeable.

i always worry about people parking next to me with kids in the back who just fling the doors open!

people are just rude and ignorant.....i hate them all....


Full Member
Jan 12, 2006
i have a similar sort of dent, cant be bothered to get it out really, its not THAT noticeable.

i always worry about people parking next to me with kids in the back who just fling the doors open!

people are just rude and ignorant.....i hate them all....

When you say not THAT noticable are you saying its not as noticable as mine lol?


Looking at the pic i'd say dent magican will do that no preblemo, as long as the paint surface isn't broken they will do it, cost's about £85-90 tho'...

So you could always take out that amount of your neigbours face, if it makes you feel better.... ;)

i had similar thing happen a few years ago, on the top on a wing and it came out, and you'd never know there had been a dent...

I always park miles away from anyone else in car parks, and you can guarentee in an empty car park some retard will always come and park right next to you, when the whole car park is virtually empty, and it drives me crazy, i had the off side of mine sprayed a few months ago, and theres a sodding dent in the drivers door already.... Aggghhhh [:@][:@][:@]
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GREY 225

Jim R
Oct 15, 2006
:lol:So im not the only one then.Ive taken to sitting in car and reading evo when wife goes into tesco,i usually park in a clear area in car park but like you say,some one always parks next to you,and its usually some piece of **** thats rusted and doesnt look like it should be on road anyway,ive found they are alot more carefull opening doors if im sat in car.I did get a scratch on rear door near handle,looks like a bag has caught it,someone not bothered and just whacked it with handbag or something,dont really see but the thing is once you know its there your eye is always drawn to it.


Full Member
Jan 12, 2006
I know exactly what you mean! My car is in very good condition and this has really p1ssed me off....

It was done today in the flat carpark where I live. There was six free spaces next to mine and the bloke still chose to park next to mine (even though its not his space - thats what annoys me most!). I'm 100% certain it was him even though he didnt want to admit it.

If I'd have punched him he still probably wouldnt have admitted to it so I really didnt see a point. I really dont see why I should have to fork out for it though!

I'll be gutted if they cant get it out. The paint isn't chipped but theres a bar quite close behind so I'm unsure whether they are going to be able to get access to the dent.

I'll cry if they start talking about filler lol :cry:


Smile if you like SEAT's
May 14, 2006
I always aim for the furthest corner of the car park and get as close to a kerb as possible so the space next me has more room than needed. Only one car can park next to me, so less chance of dinks. So far its worked.
Normally find that if someone does park next to it, they usually have the same idea.
Mar 26, 2007
When you say not THAT noticable are you saying its not as noticable as mine lol?

mine is VERY similar, its irritating because you know its there but most people wouldnt notice.

in the multi storey where i park for work there are pillars every three spaces so i always park with my passenger door almost touching a pillar to give anyone parking next to me as much room as possible.

unfortunately it backfired one day as i got a little TOO close to the pillar :cartman:
took a small nick out of my bump strip. if it was the door i'd be pissed but the bump strip is small and wouldnt be expensive to respray. im just living with it.....for now. :)
I sometimes think myself i have OCD as whenever i park my car anywhere or im planning to go anywhere i have an imeddiate train of thought, Were can i park so that no one can park next to me?:think:, usually its the space right in the corner or end of a row in the other side of the car park, The girlfriend gives me :censored: everytime, "Why do you always park so far away" It'll be a nice walk dear! Some people just dont understand my madness, but i do and its the simple fact of i cant stand the thought of some mindless idiot that simply cannot respect other peoples cars and to us pride and joy, There cars may be in girls cases extensions of there bedrooms that they rag from club to club, And old people rant on about respecting but they can eat :censored: ive seen them use other peoples cars as door stops too its wrong nearly makes me have a seezure!
:cry: I park at my home on the drive well out of the way of mindless :censored: 's But when i park somewhere say on the road where people are likely to walk past like round my girlfriends where i have no choice i just cant sleep through fear of the dreaded key treatment some chavs insist on! Remember tho buddy everything can be fixed as good as new its a right old pain in the bum hole but it happens and will happen to all of us unless your like me a total freak about it, Someone get the men in white coats! I would have hit that Goon! Pow right in the Kisser!:happy: To be satisfied no one has dented your steed while you were gone, look straight down both sides before you drive off, If you see a dent that was not there before and you suspect anything take his reg if he/bitch is not around simply curl one down on the todger's Bonnet! and leave him a nice note under his wiper, If it makes you feel better give it the street fighter treatment! You know that level where you have to beat the crap out of the car! :lol:
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sods law

my lcr has been spotless for only 1 month. since some c**** seem to target the gleeming black beast. had the bonnet scratched in tesco. had my bumper smacked in sainsbury, had a dink in loughton by a red van door. the van was so shite that i didny bother keying it.
found a great garage that does resprays. cheap aswell. i ve seen them do skyliners, lambos porshes and ranges. they are in essex.

james walker

cooling is the key people
May 24, 2007
retford notts
Unfortunately my neighbour opened his door onto mine and has put a dent in the rear drivers side door :(

I didnt see him do it but I know it was him as the dent is very high up and he's the only person to park next to me today...I asked him and he denied all knowledge! I was tempted to thump him but I couldnt bring myself to do it as his wife was stood right next to him :censored::censored::censored:

What do you think the chances of being able to take the dent out are? I dont believe this part of the door is double skinned but I think there may be some sort of strengthening bar about 1/3 of an inch behind :(

Opinions please :(




alrite matey, gutting aint it,

try the ding king tool, ive posted this elsewhere before but it really does work.

just fully IGNORE the instructions on the box and youll be fine.

do a search on ding king matey and ive posted my results and info.
Jan 19, 2006
fife, scotland
i park over two spaces as much as i can, i also don't go shopping in dunfermline cos the spaces are too small and i go to stirling as the multi storey there has bigger spaces, the wife moaned a bit at first but after i told her the " d'you know how much it costs to get a panel resprayed" story she fully understands. so what if i can park 20 yards away from asda. is it really a big deal if i have to walk an extra hundred yards. not as much hassle as getting a panel redone then it not quite matching the rest of the car. i had a couple of dings in my car as well mate, theres a guy up my way that does it called dent master or something like that, he takes something like 40 quid for the first panel and 25 quid a panel after that. i had a couple of dings when i bought the car and he took them out no problem. it'll be worth it just to put you're mind at ease.


Active Member
Jun 25, 2007
North Yorkshire
gutted mate, hope you can get it sorted

i feel a sly boot/hammer/rock/fist (delete as appropriate) to any number of panels on his car is in order :lol:


Texas Cowboy
Oct 17, 2005
i went through to hull last year to visit my brother, i nipped into currys at like 4pm, car park was empty. came out to find a range rover parked right next to me (annoyed me cos there was at least 100 other spaces he could of parked).

i then noticed that as the kids had got out of the back they had rammed the door into my drivers wing, and it must have gone hard as it had made a puncture in the metal and paint had all cracked.

i saw red........and put my size 9 right in the side of his range rover leaving a hefty dent.

I know it was childish but it made me so mad
i ended up having it resprayed along with the stone chips on the bonnet costing me near 600 quid
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