
  1. SeanyK

    Considering a Cupra, what essentials?

    Hey folks! I have been looking for a late MK4 Cupra TDi for a while due to my work commute costing me a bit much on my current MK4 Cupra petrol... Anyway, after seeing some, frankly, stupid prices for a 06/07 car, I have started to look at buying a new car (for the first time in my life...
  2. t0m

    Essentials to going low on LCR?

    Hi guys n gals Can someone please give me a list of all the essentials I need to go low on 35mm coilovers? As in ARBs etc? Anything else required? Or to look out for? Done a search but want a definitive list so I can budget for everything :) Any links and prices appreciated. I'm a lowering...
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