audio disc cover MIB2 ?


Active Member
Sep 11, 2015
Paris (french)
Hello everyone

I have made an audio disc with "tags", the artist is displayed

the title too, but no image of the cover, is that normal?

the mib2 can't display the image?

thank you


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There are tricks to get it.

It uses the fairly standard media player process. If you have your music filed by folder then you can add a jpeg with the dimensions of no greater than 500x500 and call it cover.jpg. That way it shows the cover for the album. You use Google image search to find the album cover. You can downsize to 500x500. You can also use clip software to grab the image and resize.

This technique is useful if you haven't got embedded art in the music file, flac or mp3 etc. With embedded art it needs to be in the 500x500 size if not it can cause strange things to happen like the unit rebooting. That was last week's problem for me. I covered it on this thread:

This was a rogue embedded cover but using mp3tag I deleted the embedded one and used the external cover.jpg one. People with large mp3 collections using mib2 standard units use those tagging programs to adjust the covers. I have my collection in flac and use the external directory cover method, but as said a rogue Flac file had an embedded one that blew the system up to crash it. Took a time to identify the issue. A few days of testing permutations but always the same new tracks put on the SD card . Examination in mp3tag showed the embedded one on the file was pretty large, 1,500 × 1,500. I found a VW thread of people moaning about strange behaviour on their mib2 standard units, same as these but different firmware. Keep with in the cover jpeg limit and the limits to numbers of tracks and albums and you are fine.

Fiddling with embedded art can be done with this software:

For most media players you don't need the embedded art so you generally don't bother with it if your music is filed by album, if it's assorted you might or have a rogue large jpeg embedded then it's a job for these tag editors.
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I'd just bring it down to one mp3 to play with on the SD card. The cover art in a folder with it no more than 500x500, as cover.jpg. See whether you see that. Inspect any embedded art with mp3tag. Embedded art does work but needs again to be not too big.

I have directory depth



Track 1
Track 2


Other artwork I stick in the album directory called artwork so it doesn't get confused seeing more than one jpg in the main album directory.

These limits apply:

– Playlists in the formats M3U, PLS, ASX and WPL.
– Playlists must not exceed 20 kB or more than 1000 entries.
– Filenames and paths that do not exceed 256 characters.
– For DVD, a maximum of 1000 files per storage device and directory.
– For memory cards, a maximum of 4000 files and a maximum of 1000 files per directory.
– For Jukebox (SSD) a maximum of 3000 files.

Strange behaviour can occur if the limits are exceeded.

It could be the firmware you are on. I know people get pre-occupied with the art and mp3tag. Until recently I had never had an issue.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2015
Paris (french)
thank you Tell , I will follow step by step what you indicate
and try until I manage to display an image!

You have confirmed that MIB2 is capable of displaying the images in the album.
that reassures me, thank you for your help

in a "perfect" world a video would explain this, but I'm dreaming.
sorry :):)


Active Member
Sep 11, 2015
Paris (french)
I'd like this post to be noted as resolved for me and the other one.
who one day will have the same problem as me!
because after having "burnt" 4 discs, it's always the same problem
I have come to think the following:
is this MIB2 capable of displaying the album image yes? or no?
I found a solution (maybe)
if someone on the forum can post me an mp3 file or something else? I'll burn it onto a cd or SD card, if the album image appears, I'll try to reproduce the same thing, if it doesn't, I'll send it to you.
to reproduce the same thing, if it doesn't appear, it's because the MIB2 is unable to display music file album images.
thank you


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Staff member
You should note that all mib2 units aren't the same. Mib2 standard and mib2 night. Then they can run on different releases. Embedded art is the issue if it exceeds those bounds but ofcourse there could be a bug with any specific firmware release that has been resolved but unknown to us. So you get a bug but can only be resolved via the firmware update.

Keeping the graphic limit at or below 500x500 in the embedded files or a cover.jpg file is a requirement but you can go above that some times. Suck and see or just keep them at that magic number.

Over the years there have been threads on album art that 500x500 limit is a key one then people have macros to do bulk cleaning one here:

Others use mp3tag.

You probably need to reboot the unit after you change the embedded image if that's the issue since it get extracted and put in the units memory. Basically mib is like a poorly written program with possible unpublished bounds.


Active Member
Sep 11, 2015
Paris (french)

enfin résolu !
après avoir lu vos liens, désolé, ce n'est pas ma langue)
et après plusieurs essais toujours le même problème !
pas d'affichage d'image.
J'étais sur le point d'abandonner, mais ensuite je me suis dit : et si j'essayais de copier/coller ?
tout sur le CD, le mettre sur une SD ?
après test, OK !!!!
problème enfin résolu, merci à tous


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