Protective film


Active Member
Jun 1, 2009
There has been a couple of posts about protective film applied to the bodywork and changing colours etc. So does anyone know where I can buy/order a clear roll of this stuff? I will cut it to shape myself etc So just need a roll or length of it.


There has been a couple of posts about protective film applied to the bodywork and changing colours etc. So does anyone know where I can buy/order a clear roll of this stuff? I will cut it to shape myself etc So just need a roll or length of it.

You mean Vinyl ? ;) All decent sign writing companies should sell / stock it.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2009
Yeah vinyl... I think. Would that offer some protection from stone chips/scratches etc? Can you get clear vinyl?


Out from the Wilderness
Nov 8, 2007
Temperate Regions
I bought Ventureshield for the blade when I bought it. Laser cut sheets for the fairing etc and fitted it myself.

I'm sure they did standard sheets of the stuff.

All I can say it was not easy putting the stuff on. In fact its very hard work if you are a perfectionist. Micro airbubbles, the odd spec of something and a hair manage to find its way underneath. Of course its got to be reapplied (get the soapy water in there quick) but you don't have much more than half an hour before it the adhesive kicks in. Its very frustrating

I think most people are impressed by what I did with the blade but there are a couple of imperfections there which i know that annoy. Especially the air bubble I missed and tried to scrape out with the rubber tool - the adhesive set and stetched the vynl ever so slightly where I forced the bubble out. Very annoying.

Unless you have the absolute patience of a saint, I would recommend getting someone else to do it.
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