Will we loose the feeling.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2010
Hi All.

I'm sure may a discussion had been had around this subject, especially over the last year or so.

But... I was driving home from work yesterday and was thinking about cars and the future with EV's.

Aside from the general differences and eco friendly side and the arguments for and against.

My simple thought was will we loose the "feeling" of driving a combustion engine car.

I mean just the feeling of having drop down a gear to do a quick little overtake.

The exhaust sounds, pops and things (if you have them)

Feeling of the car "spinning up" as it pulls away upto speed.

I can't help feeling that having the electric car, no matter the fake noises they put into it will just always be missing something.

There will eventually be a generation of younger ones who will be sat at the lights pretending to rev their electric cars, put their foot down and just be... At speed, feeling like there's no effort to it.

At 36 this feels like the ramblings of a madman,.... Back in my day....

Anyway, rambling over just wanted to air my thoughts to the world.

Happy driving all.

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Jun 11, 2023
The kids will be busy playing with the latest tech to worry about those things I am afraid.

Do a search on the web and you will find lots of 10 things missing from modern cars.

My personal view is:

Proper dials - I drive a car not watch screens (yes old and grumpy)
Wing Mirrors not Camera's
Proper switches (lots of new car owners are happy with the menu structures and shortcuts) but I love the feel of a switch
Electronics that are simple and work (both for a user but also for the garage to be able to easily fix stuff)
Scandi lights - still don't understand why all cars are not fitted with this as standard
Light Bars (front and rear) - just don't get it
Ambient lighting - Don't drive my car at night very often at all so waist of time and another distraction

I would also add that all this electronics (Lights included) is just adding to the cost of repairs thus insurance cost increase and again in my personal view these cars are not made to be repaired but simple replace with very expensive parts.




Active Member
Jun 11, 2023
They accelerate very fast which will please many 😂.

Agreed electric are fast but my car is not slow and I do love to hear the sound of a real engine working hard.

Scandi lights are where the DRL Front are on along with the rear ones so that everybody can see you.
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Active Member
Jun 11, 2023
Formentor Scandli lights can be enabled, the light bar. Is there an issue due to battery consumption you can't have them ?. The heating would be of an issue to me.
You can enable them on most cars with OBD11/VCDS just don't understand why its not compulsory on new cars to be on all the time, this is a sensible nanny seeing how many people drive around in dim light with only the front DRL'S On

I know they are all LED so very small power draw, I just dont get the point of them its just Ambient lighting for the outside (you cant even see it) so to me as an old bloke just dont understand it.


Active Member
May 30, 2019
Hi All.

I'm sure may a discussion had been had around this subject, especially over the last year or so.

But... I was driving home from work yesterday and was thinking about cars and the future with EV's.

Aside from the general differences and eco friendly side and the arguments for and against.

My simple thought was will we loose the "feeling" of driving a combustion engine car.

I mean just the feeling of having drop down a gear to do a quick little overtake.

The exhaust sounds, pops and things (if you have them)

Feeling of the car "spinning up" as it pulls away upto speed.

I can't help feeling that having the electric car, no matter the fake noises they put into it will just always be missing something.

There will eventually be a generation of younger ones who will be sat at the lights pretending to rev their electric cars, put their foot down and just be... At speed, feeling like there's no effort to it.

At 36 this feels like the ramblings of a madman,.... Back in my day....

Anyway, rambling over just wanted to air my thoughts to the world.

Happy driving all.

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I think it's just modern cars you are referring to - and not just the energy source!
The aim of most modern cars is to try and make them as quiet and refined as possible (dull!) - something which any ICE will struggle compared to an BEV.
I daily drive a diesel! only reason it its cheaper to run and quite quick. I would not be sad to change it to an EV - not that I can afford any nice one!

My weekend car is a supercharged V8 - which could never be replaced by and EV!


Active Member
Oct 20, 2018
Can't say anything else than that the development to EV (lost of feeling) is very negative in my world. It ruins the car/bike hobby for me. I will stick to ice cars as long as possible!


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That is the issue with people that like to tinker with ICE engines. Probably will be a new breed of battery enthusiasts, regeneration from braking and the like. Father was a flying boat engineer in the war so I was brought up with car engine parts on the kitchen table. Block and tackle in the garage etc. His cars would sound like a flying boat... what we'd say.


Active Member
May 30, 2019
That is the issue with people that like to tinker with ICE engines. Probably will be a new breed of battery enthusiasts, regeneration from braking and the like. Father was a flying boat engineer in the war so I was brought up with car engine parts on the kitchen table. Block and tackle in the garage etc. His cars would sound like a flying boat... what we'd say.
That is already here - 'openinverter'!
Loads of 'tinkering' and conversions of EV drive trains into 'interesting' projects.
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It's like the Octopus Agile electricity people with batteries and solar cells. The intelligent systems that switch on the battery storage to mop up the cheap power from the grid. Why some of the EVs push and pull power back to the house. Whole area where enthusiasts with an engineering brain and money can organise their home power supply and fit the EV into it. Each to their own... nope I don't have solar cells or battery storage but an Agile customer. Octopus and Cupra have a deal so I reckon you come off Agile Tariffs on to Go or something but then you'd have to work out your power use profile and charging frequency of the car to work out what works best for you. I'm a retired applied mathematician 🤣.

So yes a new area opened up on home and car energy use. Dynamic pricing verses specific prices will be the first one for EV drivers to consider who plan to home charge. Quite a few people reject the concept of Smartmeters at the minute. Populist nonsense so they won't be getting an EV anytime soon if they want dynamic pricing. Although there are people that supply energy back into the grid with solar cells what don't believe in Smartmeters. The cells were put up by somebody else. "Oh no I wont have a Smartmeter". Populist anti EV pro ICE, anti Smartmeter agenda running. Not forgetting the anti wind turbine, pro coal agenda, pro carbon etc. Reality of 2035 and buying new cars in Europe will force some people to reassess their views on populist stuff stoked by businesses and states with an agenda.

Muddi Camel

Active Member
Mar 15, 2023
I'm a petrol head. Always have been, always will be.
That said, I appreciate all sorts of fine engineering. I love the sound of a decent well-tuned engine, I love the satisfaction of actually getting an old car to start and run, but I can also appreciate the power and for me the torque of an electric motor.
Yes I have a Cupra, yes I love it, but I also have old Land Rovers as well. Off-road, torque is essential as is axle articulation etc. Converting an old Range Rover to electric could make sense, not so much from an environmental point of view (completely different discussion), but to ensure the vehicle lives on - however I feel that EV conversions of classics should be engineered without modification to the structure, so that the original power plant can be refitted at a later date. I feel that bio fuels & fuel cells are in their infancy and stand to be more effective than pure EV. I also feel that pure EVs currently on offer lack any real character. They're fine fine for a minicab, or a commuter sled where traffic prevents you enjoying the drive, but that's it.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2010
I agree.

I think a good balance of the investment in the bio fuels, hydrogen etc.

But having electric as an option if people want it.

Electric for vehicles such as trucks, vans delivery type vehicles I think should be priority.
Where they are in and out of city driving all day.

There does seem to be a forward excuse the pun, drive to stop people using cars.

As in a car is a thing to get you from A-B, why do you want to enjoy going somewhere.

In the same context your house is just for living in why would you want to enjoy it.

I agree on the styling too, some entry level evs look like they have been made with a straight edge, like where the natural contours and aesthetics...

I also realise that the above is probably a generally sweeping statement and I will probs get lots of images of Audi e-tons or something.

But technology marches on I guess.

I think everyone just needs to enjoy their pride and joy cars we have.. ICE, EV BIO.
as I'm sure we will all soon be priced out of personal vehicles and have to use public transport.

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Active Member
Jun 11, 2023
To be honest I am not replacing my current 2014 car just updating it to give me what I want from the motor but the bit that is worrying me is the number of jobs that are going to be lost if we all go full EV.

Personally not interested in any other car than mine (apart from Jag E Type or Rover P5/6/SDI) but there are a lot of people who are going to be out of work if we go full EV,

The battery factories are not going to make up for the lost supply chain jobs. We do need to do something about the emissions I fully agree but the transition has turned into a US/EU/CHINA trying to be in charge of the battery supply chain and does not seem to help solve the issue.

Just my personal view on the problem.


Active Member
May 30, 2019
I agree.

I think a good balance of the investment in the bio fuels, hydrogen etc.

But having electric as an option if people want it.

Electric for vehicles such as trucks, vans delivery type vehicles I think should be priority.
Where they are in and out of city driving all day.

There does seem to be a forward excuse the pun, drive to stop people using cars.

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Bio fuels and hydrogen may have their niche, but I don't think they'll ever see mass transportation adoption.

Bio fuels aren't scalable to cover the 93+million barrels of oil per day currently used! Growing fuel to burn - displaces growing fuel for humans to eat! by all means turn food waste into bio fuel - but that is only a tiny % of energy actually required.

Green Hydrogen is just too inefficient for mass transport adoption - some one (us!) would have to pay for that inefficiency in £ per kWh! much easier/cheaper to just stick solar and wind energy straight into your car/home battery. Not to mention hydrogen is is not space efficient - needing lots of volume per unit energy.
Dec 21, 2023
I know they are all LED so very small power draw, I just dont get the point of them its just Ambient lighting for the outside (you cant even see it) so to me as an old bloke just dont understand it.
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