Leon UK 0% finance offer


Active Member
Sep 16, 2015
I am looking at purchasing a Leon Cupra ST and the 0% APR HP deal is tempting me. I went into a dealer and they said they are not sure how long this offer will continue, they said SEAT's budget may be spent by the end of the quarter.

Does anyone have any insight into how long this offer has been on and how often SEAT offer 0% finance? Not sure if this was purely a pressure tactic or how much truth there is in it.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2011
There is truth in it. Dependant on the demand of its consumed the set number of sales in the time they have as they will terminate it. But not to say they won't offer the same deal again. The Leon of current levels is the fastest selling of the seat brand


Active Member
Jun 16, 2014
There will always be some sort of "deal " to be had.... The dealers make too much on signing people up for finance deals for them not to have some sort of carrot.

Maybe I'm too cynical , but they will more than make up for that 0% somewhere else in the deal.

Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk


Active Member
Oct 27, 2011
Don't always assume the 0% finance is the best deal, they normally then want full retail price. You may find a discounted car way below list but with a low interest rate that would be less total cost than a 0% offer. Make sure you
Research all offerings and don't be rushed into a deal, remember they want to sell more than you need to buy.



Active Member
Aug 21, 2015
Don't always assume the 0% finance is the best deal, they normally then want full retail price. You may find a discounted car way below list but with a low interest rate that would be less total cost than a 0% offer. Make sure you
Research all offerings and don't be rushed into a deal, remember they want to sell more than you need to buy.


There are deals to be had even on 0% finance, my order is in with a dealer who knocked over £5k off the optioned rrp, having matched the best broker price


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
I got a 12% discount off of a Leon Cupra ST 280 (hopefully 290) on 0% PCP at the beginning of the month. It all seems to be too good to be true. Just wish the car would hurry up, be built and delivered!!


Active Member
Sep 11, 2015
Ordered my ST at the end of June and it was in the country at the end of August. The 0% HP price is included in the DTD price and the discount is £5k or so on FRs and Cupras. Nothing stopping you taking out the HP and then cancelling after delivery. Not sure why £9k in VWFS hands is better than mine though.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2015
You might find that negotiating a cash price will get you a much bigger discount. Then you could take a private unsecured loan at 3.x% interest to fund the other 50% of the car and still be better off.


Active Member
Sep 16, 2015
So it sounds like 0% was being offered from at least June based on what people are saying? Anything earlier or anyone remember what happened October last year?

My dilemma is that I think I'd like to wait for a 290 but I want to know if the better finance deals would be available once the 290 is.

I understand what people are saying about cash and higher discounts but I am not sure it holds true. As I understand it the 0% deal is funded by SEAT corporate, the discount is negotiated with the dealer as a separate item - the dealer in fact probably gets more out of it if they heavily discount and finance you rather than just heavily discount you due to kickbacks. I wouldn't be surprised if SEAT rewards dealers on revenue rather than margin, so while the dealer will not want to discount they may well find the carrot of a sale more appealing than risking it for a couple of thousand more margin on the odd deal (especially at the end of the quarter).

But if there are any people with direct experience would be interested to hear how it really works.


Active Member
Sep 14, 2015
Last week I got a new Leon 184 FR on 0%. it blew the finance on a nearly new out the water however I'm sure I could've shopped around and found a nearly new with the spec/colour i wanted but we are talking like 1 year old plus a few thousand miles. The kicker for me was that my insignia is actually 1.5k less than the finance that i still have 4 years left on (MASSIVE DEPRECIATION). The local Seat dealer offered to take it on, settle the finance and throw in a full tank of fuel if i went with eh 0% deal. No brainer for me but as other have said it depends on situation. I asked if he knew anything about the deal expiring but he wouldn't confirm anything as obviously they wanted me to buy there and then!! So yeah do it ;)
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