first service **** up


My parents bought a new Leon FR Tdi a few weeks back. The dealer recommended a 1000 mile oil change (for which only parts are charged) which is not on the official schedule but was recommended.

My mum takes the car to the garage and has the job done (60 mile round trip). When she gets home all seems well and her and my dad take the car into the local town 10 miles away. When they return home their is steam and an oily smell from under the bonnet. My dad takes a look and they had left the filler cap off at the service (it was still but not where it should have been!) - the engine bay is covered in oil and all the ancillaries have a coating apparently (will see it later and try to get some pictures). Some oil has been dripping onto the floor so there must be a resonable amount splashed about.

Checking the dipstick there doesn't appear to have been much of a drop in level.

What should my parents do? Obviously it is another 60 mile round trip to the garage and a pain in the butt. They are a little concerned about any damage to the alternator or other ancillaries.

Any thoughts?


wow that was quick!,

that's what my thoughts are. Is it unreasonable to demand that they pick it up on a flatbed in case any further damage is caused by driving it? Should they get a courtesy car as it is unlikely with the distance the car will be sorted the same day?


Smile if you like SEAT's
May 14, 2006
I would contact them and tel them that THEY will have to collect it because they are concerned that there is little or no oil left in the engine and they have no other way of getting it there.
I'd tell them to drop off a courtesy car too because they won't be accepting the car back untill all the oil is steam cleaned from the engine bay, and the car has had a full valet at their expense as well as a big discount on its proper first service at 10,000 miles not the scam interval of 1,000 miles that isn't needed. A refund would be nice too if you feel you could push it that far.


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
I would contact them and tel them that THEY will have to collect it because they are concerned that there is little or no oil left in the engine and they have no other way of getting it there.
I'd tell them to drop off a courtesy car too because they won't be accepting the car back untill all the oil is steam cleaned from the engine bay, and the car has had a full valet at their expense as well as a big discount on its proper first service at 10,000 miles not the scam interval of 1,000 miles that isn't needed. A refund would be nice too if you feel you could push it that far.
I would listen to dave tbh! :)


too right, agreed with dave, entirely their fault, so they should sort it


Detail Wizard
May 29, 2007
I would contact them and tel them that THEY will have to collect it because they are concerned that there is little or no oil left in the engine and they have no other way of getting it there.
I'd tell them to drop off a courtesy car too because they won't be accepting the car back untill all the oil is steam cleaned from the engine bay, and the car has had a full valet at their expense as well as a big discount on its proper first service at 10,000 miles not the scam interval of 1,000 miles that isn't needed. A refund would be nice too if you feel you could push it that far.

I would go with that with the exception of the valet as it will probably come out looking worse than when it went in.
Dealer washes :censored:


thanks for all the advice.

Have had a look and there is a fair bit of oil on the floor under the car. Think about a good size dinner plate next to the off side front wheel and a couple of other patches about saucer size next to it. The oil filler cap was left in the recess on top of the Seat grille. There appears to be oil in the sump - showing on dip stick - but I must add it is one of the worst dip sticks to read I have seen - and the impreza one takes some beating!

I will not name the dealer yet, as it is a simple thing to neglect to do and the dealer should be given the opportunity to fully rectify the situation.


Smile if you like SEAT's
May 14, 2006
If a dealer can't do something as basic as an oil change without leaving the cap off, then what sort of half arsed job would they do when replacing a wheel, or re-fitting a steering wheel after a job or maybe bleeding the brakes......?
I would have no faith in returning to them and make it very clear how i feel too.
Dealers with level incompetence should be avoided by all.


i agree with jjones and partly daveyonthemove, as they might accept full responsibility hands up and offer a courtesy car, refund for service and full clean out, so give them a chance, but also if they cant do a simple oil change with leaving something off, imagine have brakes done and forgetting to put one of the bolts in, best to contact delear straight away and they should rectify it at their cost also giving you a refund and a courtesy car, just hope its that simple ;)


Detail Wizard
May 29, 2007
Also if you have oil by the wheels tell them that the brakes may have been affected and as such another reason not to drive it. Oil and brakes = potentially big messy accident.


well they picked the car up this morning on a flatbed and took it away to be sorted.

redid the oil and filter, replaced the under bonnet sound proofing as this was stained and steamed off all the oil. gave the car a clean also. delivered it back later on in the day (not bad considering the distance!)

so hopefully all sorted, dealership rang to make sure parents were happy also.

thanks for all the advice.


Northern Monkey
Sep 15, 2006
* Notes to never piss Dave off.

Glad it was all sorted. I would still name and shame though :)


Cupra now gone :(
Oct 1, 2005
sounds like a silly but pretty simple mistake to make so im pleased to hear the dealer have recitified the problems and picked the car up etc.

I agree it should have been checked but id be happy that its sorted with no fuss!