Flipping water marks!


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Apr 3, 2006
Fleet, Hants
I have had my car about 6 months now and not once have I been able to wash it without water marks being left!

Is this due to a poor finish on the paint (IE lack of polish) or am I washing the car wrong?

I try my hardest to get all the water off before I move onto the next section of the car but it just doesnt work! :help:


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Nov 8, 2002
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blackturbo said:
I have had my car about 6 months now and not once have I been able to wash it without water marks being left!

Is this due to a poor finish on the paint (IE lack of polish) or am I washing the car wrong?

I try my hardest to get all the water off before I move onto the next section of the car but it just doesnt work! :help:

What shampoo do you use? Do you use a shammy or microfibre cloth to dry it?

Its all about getting the right process when cleaning your car and once you have found that youll be sorted! The difficult thing is what i may find fantastic for my car, you may hate for yours as every paintwork fits with a different type of cleaning product, when you find the right one for yours you will never go back

I do think having a good seal on the car helps because the water doesnt really 'sit' on the car then

You say polish but its not really good to polish the car often, you need to build up a barrier for the car not take it away and too much polish can do more harm than good

You can get water marks off with a good quality cloth and some warm water but you need to be careful not to get any grit on it

I had my car Professinally Polished in April and i have never used polish on it! I normally wash it and then go over with the wax i have got and the water pretty much runs straight off of her now! If i do get water marks then i go over that section again with shampoo and water and dry it straight away using a proper microfibre cloth (none of this shammy malarky)

Im not saying i am right but i find my way of doing it works really well for me and seeing as yours is Black too it may be worth looking into

I can give you some mroe information on what products you could use and where to get them from, if you want?
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Full Member
Apr 3, 2006
Fleet, Hants
Ive always used either Fairy lol or Turtlewax shampoo and a shammy, ive used a microfibre cloth to but i dont like them!

That would be cool if you could let me know what you use, the thing is ive never had this problem with any other car! :confused:

The paintwork was clearly never looked after as it takes about 3 gos to get a nice shine on it!:censored:
Do you use any waxes?

After cleaning, drying and polishing and sealant and wax will make the next wash much easier, the water will bead and run off....

Fairy liquid might be the problem.....i use it to clean my mums car....(206 Hdi and not worth the hassle) and it tends to dry with a mark/residue......


Model Behaviour
Nov 8, 2002
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blackturbo said:
Ive always used either Fairy lol or Turtlewax shampoo and a shammy, ive used a microfibre cloth to but i dont like them!

That would be cool if you could let me know what you use, the thing is ive never had this problem with any other car! :confused:

The paintwork was clearly never looked after as it takes about 3 gos to get a nice shine on it!:censored:

MORGAN! You CANT use Fairy Liquid :-o

No wonder its not coming up right and leaving water marks! Washing up liquid eats away at the paint over time and will make it terribly flat and dull :doh:

Seriously it makes SO much difference when you use some good quality products and take some time with it

You really need to do the two bucket way and clean it in sections for the best results!

I use Autoglym Shampoo to wash it with and when drying a thin microfibre cloth which soaks up all the water and leaves none behind like shammys do


Stacy mmmm.......
May 6, 2005
West Yorkshire
blackturbo said:
Ive always used either Fairy lol or Turtlewax shampoo and a shammy, ive used a microfibre cloth to but i dont like them!

Don't use Fairy Liquid or any other washing up liquid as it'll ruin the paint. It's better to use a car shampoo because it's designed for cleaning car paint not greasy dishes :D

I use the Zymol stuff, auto bathe to clean, dry with some hand towels or micro fibre and then wax with Zymol Titanium, bit pricey but you can't knock the results

Post car wash & wax thread


Full Member
Apr 3, 2006
Fleet, Hants
Ive been trying that lately thing is my driveway is in the sun so its dry so quickly even if you do it abit at a time!

This is the first car I have had problems with getting it to look good altho I guess on white cars u dont really see water marks.

Proper car shampoo never seems to get soapy enough!


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Nov 8, 2002
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blackturbo said:
Ive been trying that lately thing is my driveway is in the sun so its dry so quickly even if you do it abit at a time!

This is the first car I have had problems with getting it to look good altho I guess on white cars u dont really see water marks.

Proper car shampoo never seems to get soapy enough!

Then it may be best to try and wash it when the sun is in or something?

The thing is, i bet with the white cars they looked the same under the right light but you just cant sit it as well! its only because Black shows everything, doesnt mean other colours dont have the same problems

You dont need it to be soapy to know its being cleaned properly! IIRC the better quality the shampoo the less lather there is

I hardly get any foam with mine but i know its doing the job! Its not meant to be a Bubble Bath ;)


Full Member
Apr 3, 2006
Fleet, Hants
Look well I like Bubble Bath :whistle:

I will just use the shampoo stuff but I need to get rid of the flippin water marks lol unless I just paint my car in primer! lol


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Nov 8, 2002
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blackturbo said:
Look well I like Bubble Bath :whistle:

I will just use the shampoo stuff but I need to get rid of the flippin water marks lol unless I just paint my car in primer! lol

Its the same with hair shampoo, the better it is the less lather there is ;)


Model Behaviour
Nov 8, 2002
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blackturbo said:
Hose pipe ban mate! Gota do it with watering cans!

Yeah same here! What about filling a bucket with water and launching it over the car, you only need about four buckets full then and it covers more surface area and is quicker so you may avoid some water marks? ;)


Full Member
Apr 3, 2006
Fleet, Hants
Well the water marks tend to be left after I had dried the car :confused:

I do try to get as much water off as poss but im obv not good enough lol but its def got summit to do with it drying to quick to lol Black is the worst colour for holding heat!

Need to get up at like 7 am and do it then b4 the sun comes up!:(


Model Behaviour
Nov 8, 2002
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blackturbo said:
Well the water marks tend to be left after I had dried the car :confused:

I do try to get as much water off as poss but im obv not good enough lol but its def got summit to do with it drying to quick to lol Black is the worst colour for holding heat!

Need to get up at like 7 am and do it then b4 the sun comes up!:(

You could do it later at night when its cooled down?

I wonder if your car needs claying? This will help to get rid of any surface dirt, sap and general grime that doesnt come off through every day washing

I still think that if you get a good seal on it you wouldnt have as much of a problem


Full Member
Apr 3, 2006
Fleet, Hants
Might be an idea but I wouldnt wana do it incase I make it worse than it was lol!

Thing is late at night there are millions of gnats that bite the crap out of me! I live in a semi rural area u see :rolleyes:


Stacy mmmm.......
May 6, 2005
West Yorkshire
If the water marks are left after you've dried the car then perhaps the cloth you're using to dry the car with needs washing / replacing. If it's dirty then the water that you're drying off the car will release some of the dirt and leave it on the car.
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