Guides FAQ - Read before posting

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Staff member
Mar 24, 2015
Ilkeston, Derbyshire
Welcome to the guides FAQ

In this thread I'll explain what belongs in the guides section, and suggest an ideal format to structure your guide so that everyone can understand what you are showing them. Each model specific forum now has it's own dedicated guides section. Anything posted in these sub forums relate to the model and year car in the forums title.

What belongs here
How to guides
Retrofit guides
Modification guides
Mechanical/Cosmetic guides
Informative guides

What doesn't belong here
How do I...
Where can I find...
Or anything along these lines

Creating a new guide
Anyone can make a guide for fellow members to use. When making a guide, it's helpful to use plenty of pictures to show what your trying to explain, or diagrams if you can't/don't have pictures. You can also create a video as a guide instead.

Remember, we get people from all over the world viewing the site so try and be as clear as possible. For some of these people English may not be their native language, this is where pictures can really help out.

If you have something that is tricky to explain, annotations on pictures will help make your point easier to understand.

Helpful tips on what your guide should include:
A clear and precise title
An introduction explaining what the guide is for/what it will show
List any tools & parts needed for the task
If you can, split it into sections to help break up the guide. A continuous list of instructions can be hard to follow
Plenty of pictures/diagrams showing how to do something or explaining what to do
Anything that must or must not be done at any particular point
The end result of the guide

Any additional information/
resources that may be useful

If you have any questions or are unsure about what you can post here, don't hesitate to contact me or the admin team.

Kind Regards,
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