Hi people


Hey guys and gals, macca from Stoke here. I'm currently driving a Cupra R 210, 2002 and it's the best car I've ever owned so I want to speak to others who share the same views as myself and can help with any problems I may have with my beaut of a motor :D


hi mate daz from stoke welcome ,enjoy your motor mate iv just had a cupra r 225 04 plate and luv it


Ayup mate, I've seen 1 or 2 knocking around Stoke, I've got the onvi yellow, what about yourself?


hi mate mines silver ,just had all wheels done at top marqes in fenton made a top refurb job .mine can be seen in baddeley green area.psi done loads of work as well nearly had it more than me lol.


I've only had mine since march, strangely enough I've just brought a house in badderly green, on the miners estate, badderly hall road. I'm sure we will cross paths then bud. I've posted in the leon mk1 area about some starting issues I sometimes have, take a look mate and let me know what you think, I'm not all that clued up when it comes to the tech stuff.


hi mate only at bottom of field avenue so don't no why I have,nt seen you about .I,m not the best with cars be honest but psi tuining are fantastic with these cars and are quite cheap as well.
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